“Implementing EBT”


Author: Norman MacLeod






Table of Contents:


1      Abbreviations. 6

2      Introduction Pilot Training and Pilot Learning. 8

2.1      Piloting as Goal-directed Action. 8

2.2      Pilot ‘Knowledge’ is Retrospective. 10

2.3      Controlling the Future. 11

2.4      Error as Learning Feedback. 12

2.5      Conclusion. 13

3      The Development of Training in Aviation. 15

3.1      How Humans (and Animals) Learn. 15

3.2      Training Design. 15

3.3      ADDIE.. 17

3.4      The Competence Concept 17

3.5      ISD in Civil Aviation. 18

3.6      Competencies in Civil Aviation. 19

3.7      A Career in Aviation. 20

3.8      Is EBT a Flawed Concept?. 21

3.9      Conclusion. 21

4      Implementing Instructional Systems Design. 22

4.1      Introduction. 22

4.2      Developing the Job Task Analysis. 24

4.3      Normal v Non-normal/Emergency. 29

4.4      The Training Needs Analysis (TNA) 29

4.5      Describing the Output Standard. 30

4.6      Conclusion. 32

5      Developing Competence Frameworks and Markers. 33

5.1      Introduction. 33

5.2      Developing a Competence Model 34

5.3      Assessing Competence. 37

5.4      Competencies v Markers. 38

5.5      Designing Markers. 39

5.6      Validating a Marker Framework. 42

5.7      A Proposed Solution. 43

5.8      Conclusion. 43

6      Some Thoughts on the idea of ‘Knowledge’ as Competence. 44

7      Testing. 47

7.1      Introduction. 47

7.2      Testing of Declarative Knowledge. 47

7.3      Testing Process Knowledge. 47

7.4      Managing the Output from Tests. 48

7.5      Conclusion. 48

8      Developing Training Modules. 49

8.1      Course Design. 49

8.2      Training Documentation. 50

8.3      Event Design under EBT. 50

8.3.1      Malfunction Clustering. 50

8.3.2      Designing Event Sets to Create Surprise. 51

8.3.3      Building Scenarios. 52

8.3.4      Training for Uncertainty. 53

8.4      Competency Mapping. 56

8.5      Conclusion. 56

9      Constructing a Grade Scale. 57

9.1      Introduction. 57

9.2      Reasons for Grading Performance. 57

9.3      Examples of Grade Scales. 57

9.4      Constructing a Grade Scale. 59

9.5      Conclusion. 59

10    The Conduct of Assessment 60

10.1       Introduction. 60

10.2       Using Markers. 60

10.3       Observation of Performance. 60

10.4       Assigning a Score to a Performance – Sources of Assessor Unreliability in Evaluation  62

10.5       The VENN Model 63

10.6       A Note on Validity. 64

10.7       Conclusion. 64

11    Instructor and Assessor Training, Qualification and Standardisation. 66

11.1       Introduction. 66

11.2       The Training of Instructors. 66

11.3       How to Train Assessors. 67

11.4       The Importance of Debriefing. 69

11.5       Classical Debriefing Structures. 69

11.6       ‘Safety II’ meets Elite Team Sports. 70

11.7       Diagnosis, Debriefing and Facilitation. 71

11.8       Instructor Concordance Assurance. 72

11.9       Calibrating the Grading System (AMC1/GM2 ORO.FC.231(d)(2)) 77

11.10     Conclusion. 78

11.11     Annex A.. 79

11.12     Annex B.. 86

12    System Safety and Evaluation. 96

12.1       Introduction. 96

12.2       An Overview of Training Evaluation. 96

12.3       Data Gathering and the SC.. 97

12.4       The Data-gathering Structure. 98

12.5       First Look/LOE.. 98

12.6       EVAL.. 99

12.7       SBT. 99

12.8       LOQE/LOSA.. 99

12.9       Annual Line Check (LC) 100

12.10     Flight Data Monitoring (FDM) and Analysis. 100

12.11     Calibration Activity. 101

12.12     Conclusion. 101

13    CRM... 102

13.1       Introduction. 102

13.2       The Problem of Compliance. 102

13.3       An Approach to CRM Training. 102

13.4       Outstanding Issues. 103

13.5       Conclusion. 103

14    Project Management 104

14.1       Introduction. 104

14.2       Phase 1 - Planning. 104

14.3       Phase 2 - Development 106

14.4       Phase 3 - Programme Launch. 108

14.5       Deliverables. 109

14.6       Annex A.. 112

15    The Safety Case - Managing Hazards and Risk in the Training System.. 115

15.1       Introduction. 115

15.2       The Structure of the SC.. 116

15.3       Constructing the Top-level Goals. 116

15.4       Collecting the Best Evidence. 118

15.5       Inference Rules. 119

15.6       Phased SC Implementation. 120

15.7       Conclusion. 120

15.8       Annex A.. 121



1      Abbreviations

AQP     Advanced Qualification Programme

ATQP   Alternative Training and Qualification Programme

CBT     Competency-based Training

CBTA   Competency-based Training and Assessment

CF        Competency Framework

EBT      Evidence-based Training

EVAL    Evaluation Phase

FOI      Flight Operations Inspector

IP         Implementation Plan

ISD       Instructional Systems Design

ITQI     IATA Training and Qualification Initiative

LC        Line Check

LOE     Line Operational Evaluation

LOQE   Line Operational Quality Evaluation (see LOSA)

LOSA   Line Operational Safety Audit

LPC      License Proficiency Check

MT      Manoeuvres Training

MBT    Manoeuvres-based Training

NAA     National Aviation Authority

NGAP   Next Generation Aviation Professional

OFDM Operational Flight Data Monitoring

OJT      On-the-Job Training

OPC     Operator’s Proficiency Check

OPS     Operational Performance Standard

SAT      Systems Approach to Training

SBT      Scenario-based Training Phase

SC        Safety Case

SME     Subject Matter Expert

TA        Task Analysis

TNA     Training Needs Analysis

TPS      Training Performance Standard

2      Introduction Pilot Training and Pilot Learning

Of the billions of photons that strike the retina in the eye, only 40 per second are processed by the brain.  It seems that the brain feeds forward an expectation of what the eye ‘should’ be seeing, which is then compared with actual data received by the eye and the brain then attempts to resolve any discrepancies.  By implication, the version of the world we hold in our heads is probabilistic, not a truth.  Furthermore, no two people can possibly hold the same version of the world although their individual versions usually correlate sufficiently for them each to think that they are looking at the same scene.  But this is only a part of the problem.


Imagine that you are at the controls of an aircraft.  In your head you hold a version of the status of the aircraft and, also, a model of how it will respond to any inputs you make via the controls or through the automation.  You have acquired this model through training and experience.  You now make an input, the aircraft responds and becomes established in a new, stable state.  If the hypothesis outlined above is correct, your interpretation of the new status of the aircraft is equally probabilistic, not a truth.  Furthermore, the final status of the aircraft is just one of many possible end states that could have been achieved.  The cause-and-effect relationship between your input and the outcome is no more than a hypothesis about how the world will respond.  The robustness of your model of the world will influence the probability of achieving the desired outcome but it cannot guarantee it for several reasons.


First, aviation takes place in a dynamic environment and, as such, exhibits non-ergodicity. In simple terms this means that there is an inherent volatility in the world that guarantees that nothing ever happens the same way twice.  Second, the world is complex.  Again, in simple terms, complexity means that aviation involves multiple agents but with no single controlling authority.  The component parts, therefore, have a habit of acting in unexpected ways.  Finally, the world exhibits radical uncertainty, which is to say that things go wrong in ways we could never anticipate.



2.1     Piloting as Goal-directed Action

When we operate an aircraft, we follow a trajectory from flight initiation to aircraft shut down.  That trajectory comprises a sequence of goals, each of which has a specific configuration that allows the task to be achieved within the constraints of the laws of aerodynamics.  The pilot’s job is to configure the device in accordance with the requirements of the specific target goal, to manage transitions between goals and, occasionally, to adapt to unanticipated circumstances that might require goals to be modified or new goals created.  This all takes place in a space defined by legal, commercial and aerodynamic constraints.  To illustrate the point let us look at one small segment of a flight, the final approach.  In very simple terms the task can described as:


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Each of these goal states has a specific set of criteria that must be met for the goal to be achieved.  In addition, there are specific processes that must be applied to achieve each goal and to transition between goals.  Outputs from the aircraft’s Digital Flight Data Recorder (DFDR) allows us to explore the way pilots manage this notional trajectory.


This next graphic shows data from 301 Airbus pilots attempting to flare the aircraft.  The DFDR output for the Pitch Angle parameter has been processed by an algorithm that looks at the statistical relationship between data points.  The central dark blue band shows the most closely related 50% of data while the light blue bands show the outer 20% of the distribution (some data is lost because it fails the test of statistical significance).   The bands show the distribution of data from 300 pilots who flew a normal approach.  The red line is the trace of the 301st pilot whose performance is a statistical aberration.  The trace of data from this flight differs significantly from the cohort of 300 peers.









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With data, we can render the goal state model tangible.  We can follow the aircraft’s status on the final descent path (1), the transition to the flare (2), the aircraft established in the flare (3) and, finally, the transition to the ‘landed’ goal (4).


But this visualisation of normal data shows something more.  First, we can see what happens next.  The Pilot 301 is initially struggling to maintain the aircraft within the normal distribution but, at Point A on the display, the aircraft’s path diverges.  For whatever reason, Pilot 301 was unable to maintain the aircraft within normal bounds.  But that does not mean that the cohort of 300 were perfect.  The picture shows us what happened next for the cohort, but it also shows us what didn’t happen. They didn’t exceed the bounds of the normal distribution.  Why not?


The graphic is not simply an overlay of individual traces.  It is a density plot of specific data points, each of which is a function of several other factors but captured as a value for a single parameter, in this case Pitch Angle.  It can also be seen as a smart graphic.  We can interrogate the array, and, for a specific point, we can trace several probable outcomes.  For example, if we look at the area at Point B, the circle encloses several related data points which represent the Pitch angle of a cluster of aircraft at that moment in time.  We can now trace those aircraft forward to Point C and see the distribution of probable outcomes that relate to the aircraft’s status at Point B.  Controlling for other variables, such as wind vectors, turbulence and control inputs (all of which are captured in data and can be displayed), we can start to understand why Pilot 301 followed an erratic path while the cohort of 300 did not.  From a pilot training perspective, we can start to understand how pilots can increase the probability of achieving the desired aircraft status.



2.2     Pilot ‘Knowledge’ is Retrospective

By describing a flight as a sequence of goal states we can begin to examine the knowledge base pilots draw on to constrain the range of probable outcomes.  The criteria that apply to each goal comprises what is known as declarative knowledge while the rules we apply to manoeuvre between goals is known as process knowledge.  The role of the aviation training system is to provide sufficient declarative and process knowledge to allow a pilot to operate an aircraft unsupervised.  But once a pilot enters productive service, we need to build upon that foundation of retrospective knowledge and equip her with the skills needed to cope with a world that is governed by the laws of probability.  If aviation is to maintain its enviable reputation for safety and airlines are to operate at maximum efficiency, the system we use to train pilots must equip them to function in the world I have just described.  This means that the training system must transition from one that is retrospective to one that is prospective.


Retrospective learning deals with the past.  It describes a set of known relationships that hold under the conditions applicable at the time of sampling.  For example, if I was to ask what the capital of Germany is you would say Berlin.  But the accuracy of that fact depends upon historical circumstances: Berlin has not always been the capital of Germany.  Equally, the corpus of knowledge described by the EASA ATPL ground training curriculum represents a set of decisions about historic artefacts and relationships.  There is no empirical evidence to suggest that the domain content prescribed by the syllabus possess any fundamental worth.  Retrospective learning clearly has some value in that it provides what can be called underpinning knowledge.  But such knowledge is only of use if it meets 2 criteria.  First, it must be capable of being generalised.  This means that the specific information taught must be capable of being recast as general principles that can be applied to novel situations.  Second, it must be generative.  The information presented must be capable of supporting the creation of new knowledge.  Retrospective learning can only go so far in preparing pilots to cope with future challenges.  Prospective learning, on the other hand, supports adaptive behaviour capable of coping with the unknown.



2.3     Controlling the Future

The concept of prospective learning is rooted in attempts to formulate models of evolutionary development: how does learning contribute to an organism’s chances of survival and, therefore, its opportunity to pass on its genes.  It also has roots in Artificial Intelligence. So, how must Machine Learning (ML) algorithms be written if devices are to be truly ‘smart’ rather than simply being better than humans at a limited range of tasks.  The concept has many overlaps with existing models of learning but does offer some useful insights.


There are 4 aspects of prospective learning that we need to consider.  First, an entity must demonstrate continual learning, which is remembering those aspects of the past that are relevant to the future.  In ML, new code over-writes old code and so ‘forgetting’ is absolute, even of the old code had some advantages.  Equally, the very first use of the term ‘proactive’ was to describe how prior learning in humans interfered with new learning.  The implication is that pilot training systems must be designed so that we encode declarative and process knowledge in such a way that it supports future action.  Much aviation ground training seems to be little more than baggage.  Unless academic knowledge can be complied (generalisable and generative) in such a way that it informs action it is of little value and will be quickly forgotten. 


This idea leads on to the second requirement of prospective learning, which is causal estimation.  Recognising that outcomes are probabilistic, not deterministic, causal estimation requires us to learn the structure of relations that support decisions that maximise the probability of the most desired outcome.  We gain an understanding cause and effect, hopefully, because of training.  But, as we gain experience, we elaborate our repertoire of goal state criteria and action rules.  This, in turn, builds better causal estimation.  Training systems need to draw attention to the cues in the environment that suggest flaws in our causal estimation, often resulting in situations that overwhelm the pilot’s sense-making abilities (think ‘Air France’ and ‘startle’).


Because of the complexity of normal life, we need ways to improve the efficiency of our search for relevant information.  Known as constraints, these are things like heuristics, biases and our assumed knowledge of prior probability distributions (‘priors’) that we use to constrain the search space.  Of course, heuristics and biases will be flawed.  Equally, a prior, in this context, is simply a belief about what normally happens.  The use of constraints need a critical thinking control loop that gives feedback on the efficacy of our search strategy.


Finally, and interestingly, prospective learning includes curiosity, which is action that informs future decisions, including future unmet situations.  The EASA CBT Pilot Competence framework describes ‘Knowledge’ as a competence.  While both clumsy and untenable (see Chapter 4), the spirit of the concept comes close to the idea of curiosity.  From a prospective learning perspective, investment in curiosity requires effort that will offer no short-term reward but could result in a pay off at some future time.  Time spent refreshing procedural and technical knowledge might have little subjective utility when set against any alternative uses of that time, but the curiosity concept suggests that an investment will support better coping strategies when faced with novel situations.  Curiosity, importantly, also describes investing in learning around a topic, going beyond the defined curriculum, doing more than the minimum.  Curiosity captures the concept of intrinsic motivation in learning theory.  Students with intrinsic motivation - that is, they are learning a topic because they have an interest in it - tend to out perform students with extrinsic motivation.   Extrinsic motivation describes students following a topic because they have to: they need to tick the box.



2.4     Error as Learning Feedback

At this point it might be worth saying something about error in learning.  In simple terms, error reflects the degree of fit between task demands and the action taken to satisfy the goal requirements.  Because there is some buffering in the system, rarely is there a perfect fit between inputs and outcomes.  The system is constantly adjusting to variations and perturbations.  Where action exceeds the system’s buffering capacity, the discrepancy is noted as an ‘error’.  To illustrate the role of error in learning I want to use another analogy from Machine Learning.  ML algorithms work on datasets that have been divided into 2 parts.  One part is used to train the algorithm and the other part is then used to test if the algorithm works. Unfortunately, while the algorithm can deal with problems that are found within the distribution of the data used for training (In-distribution Learning), it will struggle or fail when presented with a problem that is Out-of-Distribution.  Humans, on the other hand, can cope with Out-of-Distribution learning. 



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Consider these 2 approaches. The first pilot (top) is encountering a crosswind component that falls within the normal distribution of values experienced by the cohort of 300 other pilots while the second pilot (bottom) encountered an ‘out-of-distribution’ crosswind component (note that the scales have been adjusted on the Drift presentation to accommodate the data):


Both pilots have made an ‘error’ but their responses are interesting.  Whereas the first pilot seems to have over-corrected for drift on touchdown, the response of the second pilot appears to have been inadequate under the circumstances.  Error, in this sense, is a feedback signal. Whereas the first pilot is possibly fine tuning an existing model, the latter will be elaborating on her model through exposure to a possibly novel situation.  In a prospective learning context, error allows us to fine tune our causal explanation mechanism and support continual learning through elaboration of the mapping between stored knowledge and goal-directed action.  Out-of-distribution learning, which is a characteristic of human, rather than machine, learning, is nonetheless brittle or fallible and, sometimes, the price to be paid for the learning opportunity is catastrophic.  Effective pilot training needs to allow for out-of-distribution learning but in a safe context.



2.5     Conclusion

In this Introduction we have set out a challenge for the pilot training system.  Drawing on some concepts from other domains, we have identified some criteria that a model of pilot learning must satisfy.  At the core of the model is the need for pilots to cope with novelty.  This has implications for the current trend towards competency-based training. 


Although this Handbook has been developed to support Regulators and Operators wanting to introduce EBT/CBTA to their training system, It is hoped that this Introduction has offered some insights that will add value to the transition from legacy training to the revised models.







3      The Development of Training in Aviation  


3.1     How Humans (and Animals) Learn

New-born infants to not emerge into the world completely unprepared to cope with what is coming their way.  We are a product of evolution and certain behaviours seem to be transmitted genetically.  For example, infants can orientate towards faces while still in the womb and new-borns respond to voices ahead of other sounds.  Importantly, new-borns appear to have the basic building blocks of associative learning. 

Action – behaviour -  involves 2 processing systems: bottom-up and top-down.  The bottom-up system responds to stimuli in a fast, automatic manner while the top-down system is slow and deliberative.  Importantly, the top-down system modulates the bottom up system based on information stored in memory.  Hommel, in his Theory of Event Coding, proposed that perceived and produced actions - what we see and  what we do - are the same in that the processing of inputs and the initiation of action flows from the same neural paths.  Watching others fires the same neurones as if I was doing that work myself.  This is the essence of mimicry.  The candidate mechanism for the system is the mirror neurone, first discovered in macaque monkeys and reported in the mid-1990s.

This fundamental framework underpins mimicry, the main way humans learn.   Of course, as the human matures it acquires experiences stored in memory.  When I act with others, pre-reflective (that is, prior to conscious evaluation), bottom up processing feeds forward signals.  These are largely derived from information stored in memory about the task we are engaged in, who is supposed to be doing what etc.   They create the  world that I am expecting to see.  Because we are social animals, other people are a part of that world I am looking at.  Because of the way the mirror neurones work, their actions trigger the same responses in me as if I was doing what they are doing.  It is through this process that can learn by watching.


3.2     Training Design

Mimicry underpins the way medieval guilds inducted apprentices into their crafts.  Unfortunately, it is an inefficient model of learning. The roots of more structured approaches to the development of training can be traced back to the American psychologist Skinner. Working within the behaviourist tradition, Skinner elaborated the concept of operant conditioning, which claims that learning can be influenced by manipulating the learner’s environment.  Frame-based programmed learning, the model that still underpins most computer-based training packages today, was the product of Skinner’s work.

The basic template for military pilot training was established in 1917 with the formulation of what was called the Gosport System, which relied heavily on mimicry.  In the intervening 100 years the industry has experienced a series of catastrophic shocks, the solution to which has typically been additional technology.  Mid-air collisions gave rise to TCAS; flying into the ground was cured with GPWS; ROPS is intended to stop aircraft going off the end of runways.  What has not really changed is how we train pilots and yet the role of the pilot has been transformed from that of controlling a device to managing a flight path. 

In the 1950s, Benjamin Bloom published his Taxonomy of Intellectual Behaviours (1956), producing the first hierarchical model of different types of learning. Bloom identified 3 learning domains: Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor. The cognitive domain referred to the processes associated with mental skills, the affective domain refers to attitudes and the psychomotor domain encompasses physical skills. The legacy of Bloom’s work is the tripartite Knowledge, Skill, Attitude (K/S/A) classification scheme still used in training design today. Two former students of Bloom, Anderson and Krathwohl, later developed the taxonomy by matching types of knowledge to types of activities.

In 1962 Robert Mager established the concept of Learning Objectives as the key building blocks of training design. Mager proposed that training should be based on a clear statement of observable behaviour. It is important to remember that the behaviourist tradition worked in terms of observed outputs from mental activity, the mental aspect remains hidden from view. So, a behavioural objective is a statement of what a student should be able to do as a result of some mental process being accurately executed. Mager refined the concept by adding the degree of accuracy required to be certain that the performance was reliable. He also proposed that the conditions under which the performance was to be enacted should be made clear. Mager’s work underpins the ‘Performance, Standard and Condition’ structure of training objectives.

The contributions to the development of structured training have so far concentrated on the identification and definition of training goals. In 1965 Robert Gagne published his ‘Stages of Instruction’, laying down the framework for the delivery of training. Gagne identified a set of conditions to be met and some activities to be conducted that, combined, would lead to effective learning. Gagne’s work shaped the way lessons are delivered in classrooms today. Gagne was also one of the first to propose the application of systems concepts to education.

This era was the time of huge investment in complex technological projects such as nuclear power and manned spaceflight. In order to successfully accomplish these projects, man and technology had to be enabled to work effectively together. Many of the tools of modern management, such as project management and structured decision-making, were stimulated by the demands of these complex projects.

The first coherent model of structured training was probably that of Robert Glaser, published in 1962 but it was the USAF ‘5 Step Approach’, published that same year, that brought the components of modern instructional system design together for the first time. The 5 steps are:

  Analyse system requirements;

  Define education and training requirements;

  Develop objectives and tests;

  Plan, develop and validate training;

  Conduct and evaluate training.


3.3     ADDIE

There have been various iterations of the basic 5 Step model and the work of Florida State University, which published its ADDIE model in 1975, is representative of the final stage in structured training systems development. ADDIE stands for analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. Whereas the 5 Step model was essentially linear in its conceptualisation, the ADDIE model reflects a cyclical approach to training design in that the output from training is constantly evaluated against operational need and changes made as required.

Labelled the ‘Systems Approach to Training’ (SAT), the model was widely adopted by the US military and by many NATO countries. The Systems Approach to Flying Training (SAFT) was used to reconfigure ab-inito pilot training in the UK RAF in the early 1970s.


3.4     The Competence Concept

On 4 October 1957 the Soviet Union launched Sputnik, the first artificial satellite to orbit the earth.  In one creation myth, this humiliation for the United States resulted in the ‘competence’ movement.  Recognising that simple course graduation was no guarantee of proficiency, instead it was decised that there needed to be a framework for demonstrating employability.  In 1982, Richard Boyzatis published ‘The Competent Manager: A model for effective performance’ which is also credited with starting the competence movement  Reflecting changes in the workplace and society, with increased job insecurity and worker mobility, the competence theorists attempted to identify core skills, or competences, that were suitably generic and transferable between workplaces. For example, a steelworker might possess a set of competences that would allow that person to find work in a different sector of industry but only require minimal retraining. Competences were reflected in vocational training courses in schools and higher education. In the UK, competence frameworks were developed for commercial pilots and cabin crew by the industry Lead Body although the associated National Vocational Qualification for pilots lapsed because of a lack of uptake.

A competence framework comprises descriptions of desired workplace behaviour arranged in clusters. Communications skills, people management and team skills are the 3 most frequent competence clusters according to a 2007 survey. The behaviours are usually tagged with specific underpinning knowledge required of the individual to support the demonstration of the desired behaviour.


3.5     ISD in Civil Aviation

The recognition that the existing framework for training and checking mandated by the FAA in the USA might not be guaranteeing the competence of commercial pilots gave rise to the introduction of the Advanced Qualification Program (AQP) in 1990. Pilot proficiency is typically assessed in terms of manoeuvres repeated at prescribed time intervals. So, a set repertoire of manoeuvres must be flown to pre-determined levels of accuracy and must be demonstrated at set intervals. However, this ‘one size fits all’ approach to maintaining a competent workforce was increasingly being considered inefficient. For a start, pilots acquire proficiency at different rates and skills decay at different rates. Airlines operate into very different environments with very different equipment and yet all have to meet the same training requirements. The guiding principles of AQP are that each individual operator must determine the skill set required of its pilots and that training and checking must be based on the needs of individual pilots within the operational context. The AQP regulations allow for the voluntary adoption of the program; operators can continue to follow the manoeuvre/ interval-based, or ‘legacy’, model. The AQP concept has been broadened to include cabin crew and dispatcher training.

Aware of developments in the US, the first draft of JAR OPS 1 included line entries referring to AQP.  The promulgation of JAR OPS 1.978 - the Alternative Training and Qualification Programme - in 2006 provided a framework for JAA – later EASA - carriers to adopt a training and checking regime based on line operations. The regulation is built on the experience of AQP but incorporates developments in flight data capture and analysis, safety management and auditing that have occurred in the intervening period since AQP was first introduced.

We have just briefly sketched out the origins of structured models of training analysis and design. From this it can be seen that ATQP is simply the application of Instructional Systems Design (ISD) to commercial pilot training and testing. In order to understand the significance of ATQP is necessary to, first, review the existing framework for training and testing. In broad terms, commercial pilot training comprises 4 phases: initial license training; type conversion training; operator’s conversion training; recurrent training. In addition, it is possible to distinguish 2 discrete aspects of the system. The first is to train to a set standard. The second is to test competence, both at the end of initial training and, again, at set intervals during employment. Traditionally, the broad structure and content of the training course and the criteria for success have been contained in regulations promulgated by national authorities. The role of the airline training department is to configure training in such a way that it demonstrates compliance with regulatory requirements.

This model of training is pragmatic in the sense that it is rooted in generations of operational experience and is successful in that aviation remains a highly reliable, yet hazardous, industry. However, in a competitive marketplace, training departments compete for resources with the rest of the airline. As such, there is often little spare capacity to accommodate changes in the operational world, such as the seasonal characteristics of operations or changes in technology. The ‘compliance’ model of training delivers a product that meets regulatory demands but is not necessarily mapped onto the needs of the specific airline.


3.6     Competencies in Civil Aviation

Recognising that the aviation industry faced a potential recruitment shortfall across all sectors, IATA, through the ITQI, and ICAO, through NGAP, have both been looking at introducing structured training models based on a competence approach. Both are looking at a broader audience that just pilots but the key difference, initially, was that ICAO were concerned that any competence framework should cover initial selection and training as well as in-service development and advancement. 

The IATA project was the first to bear fruit.  In order to break away from the historical ‘set manoeuvre’ model, a large scale analysis of various data sources was undertaken, resulting in the EBT Data Report.  This provided ‘evidence’ of what training topics were more appropriate for modern generation aircraft.  The goal of training was recast: no longer did pilots have to demonstrate accomplishment in manoeuvres, they had to demonstrate ‘competence’ in the control of the aircraft, including the management of the flight path under normal and non-normal circumstance.

One of the first challenges was to define a competence?  Was it generic or specific?   One school of thought suggests that the manipulation of numbers and words and the ability to learn were fundamental competencesand all performance flows from these basic abilities.  Another line of thought, discussed earlier, took the view that competencies were arbitrary clusters of skill and knowledge that were applicable to a specific work context.  In effect, they are whatever you want them to be as long as they make your workforce effective. 

Another problem is the interpretation of ‘evidence’ in.  The current usage of the term evidence-based’   can be traced to a 1972 paper by Archie Cochrane that questioned the effectiveness of medical treatments.  Given the increasing costs of delivering healthcare and the range of treatments available, how do you decide what works best?  The combinations of patient, condition and treatment should be evaluated using Randomised Controlled Trials (RCT) as the gold standard of evidence.  So, the evidencewas what could be proven to work best.  Other fields, such as social policy, have adopted the concept but the underlying idea remains the same.  In aviation, a direct analogy would be an investigation of pilot experience level, skill to be trained and training device employed.  The closest we have come to true ‘EBT’  in aviation are attempts to assess training transfer in flight simulators.   Prof Inez de Florio-Hensen, at Kassel University, argues that, in education, EBT is, in any case, an unattainable goal.  The range of variables – student, teacher, subject matter, training situation – is simply too great to make RCTs meaningful.  

CBTA seems to be the application of ISD to initial training in all specialisations while EBT refers to airline recurrent training.


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3.7     A Career in Aviation

We can use the trajectory of a pilot’s career (or any other employee) as an organising framework to bring some of these concepts together.   In the diagram above, the trajectory starts with initial training for the award of a license.  The input standard is usually a novice with no skill or knowledge and the output standard is someone deemed fit to hold a license.  But a license simply allows an individual to operate an aircraft appropriate to their qualification.  It does not guarantee any level of expertise beyond a baseline level of safety.

As that individual gains in experience they may want to start looking for a job.  First, they need an aircraft type rating.  This involves applying their prior learning to the specific instance of the new aircraft type.  But they also need to convince an employer that they are a good fit for the company.  This is where a ‘competence’ model comes in handy.  The employer knows that the applicant is legal if they possess a license and the required ratings.  The competence model describes the additional attributes needed of the pilot to be successfully employed by that airline.  At the recruitment stage the employer is simply looking for evidence of behaviour that maps onto the competence model.  In short, what does the pilot bring with them that can be exploited and developed in their new role?

As the pilot progresses, 2 things need to happen.  From a legal perpective the airline needs to show that the pilot has maintained the level of proficiency required to hold their license.  From the airline’s perspective, the pilot needs to show that they are capable of coping with the operational demands likely to be encountered.  The airline needs to have a competence model that captures those demands and sampling tool to evaulate the individual.

The pilot lifecycle approach shows how we need different tools at different stages. 


3.8     Is EBT a Flawed Concept?

Aviation Authorities around the world have relied on the periodic accomplishment of a set of manoeuvres as proof that a pilot is competent.  Supporters of EBT argue that the event set has failed to keep track with changes in technology and so a new way of assessing  is needed.  It shoud be remembered that the State has a legal duty to ensure the safety of its aviation system.  The airline wants to be sure that its pilots can do the job.  The State and the Airline have different goals but, historically, have used the same performance measure.

EBT enthusiasts confuse product and process.  Product is the observable output while process is how that output is achieved.  The EBT argument is with the ‘product’ – an anachronistic set of manoeuvres – but ignores process.  If a pilot can cope with the historic manoeuvres then she can cope with any in-flight problem.  At this point we need to go full circle back to the beginnings of structured training design and ask what do we really mean by skills and knowledge.  Stellan Ohlsson, in his book Deep Learning, proposes that expertise relies on an individual being able to establish a set of constraints that must be satisfied for a particular condition to be considered true.  Through training and experience we develop an increasingly fine-grained set of constraints for an increasingly varied repertoire of situations.  Process knowledge comprises the actions and rules sets we deploy to satisfy the situational constraints.  Interestingly, he proposes that errors are, in fact, feedback signals that tell us that a constraint has not been satisfied.  In effect, either we have applied inadequate constraints (faulty knowledge) or implemented an incorrect action.

The implications of Ohlssons ideas are significant and far-reaching.  For a start, it is not enough for a pilot to demonstrate the control of the aircraft to be considered competent: they might have just been lucky on that day.  We need to explore how pilots think about control. 

Competence, then, is thinking made manifest.  In the rest of this manual we will look at how to achieve that goal.


3.9     Conclusion


We can see 3 broad trends that have emerged since that first formalized flight training system.  Training is expensive and so it has come under increasing pressure to be cost effective.  In order to achieve this goal, systematic approaches to analysis and design have been implemented.  Finally, steps have been taken to map training onto operational need.  These last 2 themes form the structure of the rest of this book.


4      Implementing Instructional Systems Design


4.1     Introduction


The starting point for both philosophies (AQP/ATQP and EBT) is a framework that describes the range of performance we expect of pilots under all normal and non-normal situations.  AQP/ATQP  follows the conventional ISD model and starts with a Task Analysis (TA).  EBT, on the other hand, starts with a Competence Model (CM).  The processes we use to develop both are similar.  The real difference is how we describe performance,  As we will see later the eventual output from a TA is a syllabus of instruction.  A CM is more akin to a job specification or a set of Terms of Reference.  In both cases the final output needs to be a comprehensive description of the performance expected such that we can be confident that we are able to verify that pilots are competent.

The main difference between the ISD-derived models and the competence approach is that the former has a well-established process with well-understood methods that can be applied to the task of develoing training.  The competence approach, on the otherhand, lacks any rigorous processes, in part because it was never intended to be a design methodology.

This chapter will deal with the ISD methodology while, in the next chapter we will look at developing competence models.


2.2 The ADDIE Process Explained

The ISD model, of which ADDIE is just one version, is a closed loop that starts with analysis of requirements and comes back to the starting point via a number intermediate of stages.  The concept is illustrated below.  Because ADDIE is refered to in the official documentation, we will discuss it within the broader ISD context.

Step 1 is the Analysis phase.  Here, we look at the task required to be mastered by the trainee. We look a the characteristics of the trainees, constraints on delivery, projet timescales etc.  Step 2 is the Design phase.  Here we define the output standard.  We do this now because this will shape how much time is needed to train and what methods will be needed to train and test.  An output from Step 2 is the syllabus.  The syllabus is usually framed as a set of learning goals or objectives that must be achieved by the trainee.  We will look at objectives in more detail later. We also look at testing methods unde the Design umbrella.

Having described the syllabus, the next step is to do a Training Needs Analysis (TNA).  The TNA identifies the gap between the Output Standard and skills mix of the entry level students.  For example, an ab initio pilot just graduating from a flight school will have a bigger gap between his current status and that required at the end of a type conversion.  However, an experienced pilot converting from a different aircraft type will have a narrower gap between entry level and output standard.  The TNA will inform the next step, which is curriculum design.











A diagram of a process

Description automatically generated


Although useage does vary, I will use the syllabus to describe the course training objectives and the curriculum to describe the allocation of objectives to training events. Curriculum Development -Step 3-  is where decisions are made about method of delivery, training media to be used, time to be allocated, sequencing of events and so on.  It is where we do the heavy lifting of making a course.  Then we have the Implementation phase.  Implementation covers initial roll out, prototyping, fine-tuning and bedding down the production version of the course. It also includes trainer training and standardization.

Once the course is up and running, we need to think about Evaluation.  We look at this in more detail later in the book but. Essentially, evaluation asks ‘does the course work?’  If not, then we need a process for Modification. 



4.2     Developing the Job Task Analysis

The purpose of a JTA is to establish the baseline criteria for each job. The JTA can be likened to a product specification for the conduct of duties and, as such, has some similarity with a competence framework.  The difference being that the TA is a more fine-grained description of the actions associated with completing the task. The TA will ultimately determine the instructional goals and objectives, specify the type of knowledge required for the job, assist in determining instructional activities and aid in constructing performance assessments. It will also serve as the basis for auditing the company’s training


The JTA, then, is exactly what the name implies; it is a list of actions associated with the task for which an individual is responsible, stated in observable objective statements. That is, each task should begin with a verb that describes the nature of the activity associated with that task.  For example, simply listing items to be checked by a pilot is not a JTA. Instead, responsibilities should be listed in terms of the observable action associated with that responsibility. For example:

Poor task list:

1. engine oil

2. engine temperature

Acceptable task list:

1. check engine oil quantity

2. observe engine temperature

The first step in developing the JTA is to compile a task list. There are several ways to create a task list. One way is direct observation of the task. The analyst observes a representative sample of the workforce and notes down job behaviours as they occur. While this method works well because it takes place in a naturalistic environment, it often does not allow the observer to catch all aspects of the job. There is a view that the observer should be familiar with the job, while others feel that a novice is best. The familiar observer may be able to label tasks correctly and more accurately, but may bring their own bias to the task. While a novice observer may not know the reasons for a particular task, they are clear of procedural bias and assumptions.

Another method for creating a task list is interviewing a Subject Matter Expert (SME). It is best to include more than one SME for the interview process in order to cover all situations and perspectives. The interviewer will typically ask the SME to talk through the job out loud. The interviewer will want to ask questions such as:

  What specific duties must an employee perform?

  What units of work must be completed?

  What handbooks must be consulted?

Once the task listing is complete, the next stage is to review each task to see if there is a need for further decomposition. The task decomposition should not be overly detailed such that the listing becomes cumbersome. Equally, it should not be so vague such that it does not provide an adequate description of the company’s requirements. There is a view that cut-and-pasting a JTA  saves time.  After all, an A-320 is an A-320 no matter what the logo on the tail says.  In fact a JTA is specific to each company: no 2 airlines fly the same.

The JTA is rooted in behaviourist psychology and, therefore, typically examines just the observable behaviours needed to perform a job. However, some tasks require non-observable behaviours, such as evaluative thought processes associated with process control and decision-making skills. These types of behaviours can still be represented in the task analysis but require an additional cognitive task analysis. Table 2.1 briefly lists some types of task analysis and when to use them. A common mistake is trying to force fit a job into a task analysis for which it is ill suited.


Job/Performance                  Used for procedural skills

Learning/Needs                     Only identifies what must be taught; secondary analysis

Cognitive                                Examines how people think about situations

Content/Subject Matter        Breaking down large amounts of information into                                                              teachable units

Table 2.1. Types of Task Analysis

There is no ‘ideal’ template for laying out a JTA. To a large degree it depends upon the depth of analysis and intended use of the JTA within an airline. In an integrated Safety, Quality and Training system, the content of the JTA will be referenced to training records, crew scheduling, auditing and event reporting. Therefore, it makes sense for the JTA to be built in a database product. Here is one example of a JTA:


Takeoff Operations:

Normal Takeoff Procedure

Release Brakes

Align airplane on runway centreline

Transfer control of airplane to First Officer, if required

Call out": "YOU HAVE THE AIRCRAFT," if required

Call out": "I HAVE THE AIRCRAFT," if required

Maintain directional control with Rudder Pedal Steering and Rudder

GUARD Nose Wheel Steering until both engines stabilised and symmetrical

Advance Thrust Levers to approximately 50% N1

Ensure engines stabilised and symmetrical

Advance Thrust levers to FLEX or TOGA detent as required

Apply slight or full-forward side stick as required

Call out: "FLEX" or "TOGA" as required

Verify "FLEX" or "TOGA", SRS, and RWY (if applicable) on FMA

Compare LP Rotor Speed (N1) to N1 rating limit on E/WD

Call out: "FLEX SET," or "TOGA SET" prior to 80 knots

Assume/Maintain Control of Thrust Levers

Call out: "80 KNOTS"

Acknowledge 80 knot call out: "CHECKED"

Remove forward side stick pressure at 80 knots to be neutral by 100 knots

Maintain wings level attitude with side stick

Monitor engine instruments

Call out: "V1" at V1 -5 knots

Remove hand from thrust levers

Call out: "ROTATE" at VR

At Vr, Rotate smoothly to SRS commanded attitude (or 110 degrees if no SRS)

Call deviations from normal flight instrument indications

Call out: "POSITIVE RATE" (when a positive rate of climb is indicated)

Ensure positive Rate of Climb

Call out: "GEAR UP"


Here is another example from a different airline for the same aircraft at the same stage of flight:


1. Demonstrate the ability to perform a normal takeoff and initial climb to flap retraction altitude in accordance with AOM and the company FOM.

2. Apply the appropriate CRM skills when performing a takeoff.


The JTA underpins the training development process and is fundamental to the continued safe delivery of airline training. The JTA supports the Safety Case (SC) (see Chapter 11) and also drives curriculum development. It is the most time-consuming component of the ISD process. However, unless it is done properly, it can also be the Achilles heel of the Training Department. Time spent getting the TA correct will show a payback later in the implementation phase

We can develop a JTA, then, by inspecting documents, by observing performance and by interviewing line pilots.  We could also look at safety reports and LOSA for evidence of poor performance that can then be used to elaborate on the original analysis. 

Table 2.1 shows a JTA that was developed for an Airbus operator.  First, a number of management pilots who were also trainers decided on a meaningful structure to describe the performance of a pilot (Units of Work).  Next, the company Operations Manual, the aircraft FCOMs and the company Flight Crew Training Manual were cross- referenced to the task structure.  Rather than describe the job, references were used for the sake of efficiency.  Each reference relates to a piece of documentation that describes the task.  Finally, experienced training captains were asked to review the document and identify any gaps.  The process looked at normal operations.


Unit of Work

Baseline (SOP, FCTM)

Probable Contingencies


OMA 5.2.1-5.2.3 (recency req.), 6.1 (medical fitness), 6.2 (medical precautions), 7 (FTLs), 8.1.12 (documents to be carried), 14.1.1 (documents to be carried by crew) , 14.1.2 (uniform) , 14.5 (crew bags)





Aircraft Pre-flight

FCTM NO-020 P4/12-11/12

e-Library – Loadsheet ACARS PERF setup

FCOM: PRO-NOR-SOP-03 P1/2 (safety exterior inspection), PRO-NOR-SOP-04 (power-up & before walkaround), PRO-NOR-SOP-05 (exterior inspection), PRO-NOR-SOP-06 (cockpit preparation), PRO-NOR-SRP-01-10  (cockpit preparation)



FCTM NO-030 (eng start)

FCOM PRO-NOR-SOP 01 P9/20 (pushback & towing), PRO-NOR-SOP-07 (before pushpack or start), PRO-NOR-SOP-08 (engine start), PRO-NOR-SOP-09 (after start), PRO-NOR-SRP-01-10 (before pushback or start), OMA 8.3.20 (pre-taxi)




PRO-NOR-SOP-10 (Taxi), PRO-NOR-SRP-01-20 (taxi), OMA 8.3.21 (taxi)


Take off/Rotation

FCTM NO-050 P1-8/14

FCOM: PRO-NOR-SOP-11 (entering the runway), PRO-NOR-SOP-12 (takeoff), PRO-NOR-SRP-01-30 (takeoff), OMA 8.3.22 (takeoff)


Initial Climb (to CLB thrust)

FCTM NO-050 P8-13/14, FCOM PRO-NOR-SOP-13 (after takeoff), OMA (climb graph)


Departure (SID)

OMA 8.3.23 (Departure and climb)


Climb to cruise level


FCOM PRO-NOR-SOP-14 (climb), PRO-NOR-SRP-01-40, PRO-NOR-SRP-01-50




FCOM PRO-NOR-SOP-15 (cruise)


Descent preparation


FCOM: PRO-NOR-SOP-01 P15/20 (landing perf), PRO-NOR-SOP-16 (decent preparation), PRO-NOR-SRP-01-50




FCOM: PRO-NOR-SOP-01 P15/20 (descent profile), PRO-NOR-SOP-17  (descent initiation/monitoring/adjustment), PRO-NOR-SRP-01-60, OMA 8.3.25 (descent)


Approach (STAR/Holding)

FCTM: NO-100 (Holding), NO-110 P1-4/10  (Initial App), PRO-NOR-SOP-18, PRO-NOR-SRP-01-70 P1-3/32, OMA (holding speed), 8.3.26 (approach)


Final Approach

FCTM: NO-110 P4-9/10 (final App),

NO-120 (ILS), NO-130 (Non precision app)

FCOM: PRO-NOR-SOP-01 P 15/20 (stabilized approach), PRO-NOR-SRP-01-70 P3-10/32, OMA (stabilized approach) (approach ban), (ILS)

FCTM NO-160 (LVO app), FCOM PRO-NOR-SRP-01-70 P11-23/32

Flare and Landing


e-Library – landing tips & Final Approach and Landing Technique

FCOM PRO-NOR-SOP-19, OMA 8.3.27 (landing)


Go Around/Rejected LDG


e-Library – Go-Around

FCOM: PRO-NOR-SOP-01 P 16/20 (mandatory missed approach), PRO-NOR-SOP-20, PRO-NOR-SRP-01-80, OMA 8.3.28 (go around)



FCOM: PRO-NOR-SOP-01 P17/20 (touchdown and rollout), PRO-NOR-SOP-21 (after landing)


Taxi in and clean up




FCOM PRO-NOR-SOP-22 (parking)



FCOM PRO-NOR-SOP-23  (securing the aircraft)



Table 2.1 Airbus JTA


For each element of competence, Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) were asked to identify the range of contingencies that might apply in order to verify that coverage was complete.  We also looked at differences between roles (PM/PF) and advancement (Command).


4.3     Normal v Non-normal/Emergency

Dealing with non-normal or emergency procedures requires a different approach.  Whereas normal operations follows a distinctive, repetitious pattern (generally speaking), non-normal/emergency situations tend to require a safety template to be overlain on the situation which is then used to select an appropriate action.  Competence in this sense might be described in generic terms:

  Establish/sustain control

  Evaluate systems/flight path status

  Identify problem

  Identify appropriate checklist(s)

  Execute checklists

  Validate system response

  Choose next course of action

  Monitor status


4.4     The Training Needs Analysis (TNA)

The TA is a job specification. It describes the actions required of an operator if a task is to be completed successfully. The goal of training is to develop the skills of an individual so that they can complete the tasks in the TA without supervision and to an acceptable standard. The first stage in developing a course is to scrutinise the TA in order to identify those aspects of performance that will need training.

Training Need will be driven by the entry level of the trainees.  An airline Initial Type Conversion designed for ab inito cadets recently graduated from flight school will require greater depth and content that an Operator’s Conversion course designed for previously qualified pilots recruited from another airline.  In the context of airline recurrent training, it is unlikely that we will be developing modules with content tat is completely novel.  In most cases, ‘training’ will be updating, adapting or linking to existing knowledge.  Decisions about the depth of knowledge and the time allocated to training will be influenced by this analysis of the entry level.

For each task we need to identify the skilled performance associated with the task as well as any underpinning knowledge essential for successful task completion. Underpinning knowledge will include an explanation of why the task is important, any theoretical knowledge associated with completing the task, probably risks attached to the task and any alternative strategies for task completion.


4.5     Describing the Output Standard

Having clarified the goals of the course, we now need to create the syllabus by writing the Training Objectives (TOs). A TO typically comprises 3 parts:

A statement of performance.

A statement of the conditions under which the performance is to be demonstrated.

A statement of the standard to be achieved for the performance to be considered acceptable.

The performance statement is worded in terms of observable actions using verbs. We want to be able to witness the performance in order to assess the level of achievement. Therefore, objectives describe the external manifestation of competence. Because of the variability encountered during normal line operations, any specific skill might be performed under a range of conditions. The condition statement describes the range of contingencies under which a trainee will be expected to perform in training so that we can be assured that they will be able to cope with line operations. The standards statement defines any bounds of acceptable performance we want to attach to each objective. A standard might be a tolerance within which the skill is to be performed or it might be a procedural limitation. An example of the TO might be:

Performance: Land the aircraft

Conditions: Within a range of crosswinds, at night, within a range of runway surface conditions

Standards: Within touchdown zone, within speed and ROD constraints.

These items drawn from the EASA HP&L syllabus illustrate weaknesses in objective formulation:


a)      List the factors determining pulse rate.

b)      Question the established expression ’safety first’ in a commercial entity

c)      Describe the personality, attitude and behaviours of an ideal crew member


Item a) is a valid objective.  Item b) starts with a verb but the rest of the performance statement makes no sense.  Is the student supposed to question a safety policy in order to to elaborate on the entity’s SMS? Is the aim to question the veracity of the statement in the first place?  Item c) collapses 3 possible objectives into one and is a good illustration of ‘signposting’.  Rather than require students to declare any knowledge in relation to the 2 key concepts - personality and attitude - it suggests that there is a desired ‘correct answer’ which, in any case, could only be an opinion given the uncertain status of personality traits in relation to pilot performance.


Writing TOs is as much an art as a science.  Drafting acceptable TOs does require skill so it might be worth looking at some examples to illustrate the challenge.  Appendix to Annex I to ED Decision 2018/001/R offers this set of TOs in relation Mental Maths:


100 09 00 00


Show, in non-calculator tests and/or exercises, the ability in a time-efficient manner to make correct mental calculation approximations:



To convert between volumes and masses of fuel using range of units.


For applied questions relating to time, distance and speed.


For applied questions relating to rate of climb or rate of descent, distance and time.


To add or subtract time, distance, and fuel mass in practical situations.


To calculate fuel burn given time and fuel flow in practical situations.


To calculate time available (for decision-making) given extra fuel.


To determine top of descent using a given simple method.


To determine values that vary by a percentage, e.g. dry-to-wet landing distance and fuel burn.


To estimate heights at distances on a 3-degree glideslope.


To estimate headings using the 1-in-60 rule.


To estimate headwind and crosswind components given wind speed and direction and runway in use



This example is clumsy and can be reframed thus:





(Common to all LOs:

In an examination comprising x questions.

Without the use of aids to calculation)

1. Apply the 4 Rules of Number

Using Whole Numbers, Decimals, Percentages.

2. Convert between units of measurement

Mass, Volume, Distance, Time.

Given conversion factors

3. Apply Rules of Thumb

1 in 60 rule,

Rule of Thirds (headwind and crosswind components).

Lateral navigation (track, heading)

Vertical navigation (height)


We saw that the purpose of the TNA is to establish what needs to be taught given the entry level of the students. Although students will be expected to demonstrate the performance described in LO 1, we can assume that they are already numerate and so no formal training will be provided.  Equally, we can assume that our students understand the various terms such as ‘mass’ volume, ‘decimal’, ‘percentage’ and so on so we do not need to offer training.


For LO3, however, some of the Rules of Thumb might not be known to the class.  In this case we need to elaborate.  So, in this case we can consider ‘Apply Rules of Thumb’ to be the Terminal Objective (TO) and we would create some Enabling Objectives (EO) that allow the student to achieve the TO.




3.1 State the 1 in 60 Rule

in relation to:

Lateral navigation

Vertical Navigation

3.2 State the Rule of Thirds

In relation to:





In this example, the 3 TOs all describe what would be called a ‘skill’, in this case the mental manipulation of values.  TOs are traditionally divided into 3 categories: skills, knowledge and attitudes.  Skills are what you ‘do’ while ‘knowledge’ is what you know.  There are no ‘attitude’ objectives contained in the table.  We might decide that an attitude objective is appropriate in this case.  So, we might consider these as candidates:


a)      State the reasons why a ‘gross error check’ on outputs is needed when entering data into aircraft systems

b)      List the reasons for conducting  a ‘dead reckoning’ cross check on aircraft performance


Attitudinal objectives are recognised as difficult to define and almost impossible to test. 



4.6     Conclusion


In this chapter we have looked at ISD as a model of training design and have differentiated between ISD as a process for designing inputs to bring about behaviour change and the use of ‘competencies’ to describe workplace performance.  The remaining steps in ISD wil be covered in the following chapters.


5      Developing Competence Frameworks and Markers.


5.1     Introduction

In Chapter 1 we look at various models of training design.  A key difference between classical approaches to training design and the competence approach is that the former addresses a specific job or task whereas the latter supposedly is designed to develop a ‘generic’ set of behaviours that can be transferred between different jobs.  For example, there might be a range of different workplaces that all require an ability to make ‘decisions’.  If I have a fundamental ‘decision-making’ toolkit then it doesn’t matter if I am an office clerk or an astronaut, I can still have a go at making a decision.  The complexity of the decision to be made and the consequences of failure may differ but the process remains the same. 

Whereas ISD, then, looks at the interventions needed to bring about a change in performance, the competence concept really looks at workplace performance: can someone do a job?  To a degree, ‘competence’ is blind to prior training.  It isn’t interested in how a candiate got here, just can that person do the job.  There are some conventional ISD concepts that can help clarify the differences beteen the approach.  In any training system there are constraints on what can be achieved in the time and resources available and the scope of the training system in terms of workplace performance.  The output from training is usually described as the Training Performance Standard (TPS) and recognises that there is a gap between that and the Operational Performance Standard (OPS).  The OPS, in fact, equates to the level of competence expected of a person in productive employment.  The gap between TPS and OPS can be bridged by formal programmes of On the Job Training (OJT), mentoring or simply informal development through exposure to the real world.  The TPS is usually specified in ISD – it is the graduation standard – but the OPS is often left undefined.


To illustrate the problem, consider this OB from the Communication competence:


OB 2.8 Uses and interprets non-verbal communication in a manner appropriate to the organisational and social culture (my emphasis)


In the 100KSA (2018) Communication requirement this has been elaborated as:


09) Show the ability to correctly interpret non-verbal communication.

10) Show the ability to use appropriate eye contact, body movement and gestures that are consistent with and support verbal messages.


The OB relates to non-verbal communication in a very specific context: in relation to the organisational and social culture.  The 100KSA elaborations establish an expectation - correctly, appropriate, consistent, supporting - without making clear what training inputs might be required nor how a trainee can meet these expectations. Nor does the 100KSA formulation address issues of organisational and social culture.


In theory it ought to be possible to trace a line from the initial ground training requirement, through the practical application to achieving the final operational assessment.  The piecemeal approach to developing commercial pilot training is still some way off that goal. The TPS, then,  should identify a set of generic performance elements that broadly map onto the OPS. The TPS should describe both activities and underpinning knowledge that supports the activity described in the OPS.  


One problem we have is that we also need a mechanism for assessing performance.  It is important to understand that a competence model and an assessment framework are not the same things.  The ‘problem’ is that they may overlap and share terminology.  In this chapter we explore some of these issues.



5.2     Developing a Competence Model


Although there are well-defined activities associated with the ISD process, developing competencies is less well supported.  The paradox of EBT is that it claims to be moving away from ‘task-based’ assessment but being ‘competent’ is fundamentally based on doing tasks.  However, implicit in the competence approach is that performance is abstract – generalisable across different work contexts – and aimed at maintaining control of tasks, especially in uncertainty.  Competencies try to guarantee control.


The UK Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development makes the following points about competencies:


They ‘focus on someone’s personal attributes or inputs. They can be defined as the behaviours (and technical attributes where appropriate) that individuals must have, or must acquire, to perform effectively at work.


[…[ are broader concepts that cover demonstrable performance outputs as well as behavioural inputs. They may relate to a system or set of minimum standards needed to perform effectively at work.


A ‘competency framework’ is a structure that sets out and defines each individual competency (such as problem-solving or people management) required by individuals working in an organisation’.


‘In designing a competency framework, care should be taken to include only measurable components. It's important to restrict the number and complexity of competencies, typically aiming for no more than 12 for any particular role (preferably fewer), and arranging them into clusters to make the framework more accessible for users. The framework should contain definitions and/or examples of each competency, particularly where it deals with different levels of performance for each of the expected behaviours. It should also outline the negative indicators for that competency competency – the behaviours deemed unacceptable’.


Importantly, there is no single, universal solution to this idea of a competence model, nor is there is a single way to develop them.  Organisations need to develop a model that supports their commercial and operational goals.  Competence models are useful because they make clear to employees what is expected of them in any particular job or role.  This is why they should be framed in the language of observable behaviour.  A competence model also directs attention to training requirements.  A person cannot be expected to do a job if they have not been properly trained.  However, if you look again at the extracts above, it does talk about behaviours that individuals must have or acquire.  This last point is significant.  The ‘must have’ items can be dealt with by recruiting people who have done the job before or through pre-employment training.  Acquiring competence, as we saw erlier, can be done through structured workplace development.  Which brings us to EBT.  If you scratch the surface of the EBT concept, what we are really talking about is a process of structure workplace mentoring aimed at sustaining and developing a pilot’s ability to cope with operational demands.  It is not really training at all.


The rise of CBT/EBT coincided with the discovery of ‘Black Swans’ - catastrophic but unpredictable events that we still need to be able to cope with.  Although, by definition, we cannot train to deal with ‘Black Swans’, we can still use the concept as a jumping off point.  There are 2 other, more common, properties of the world we need to consider: non-ergodicity and radical uncertainty.  The first describes how things never happen the same way twice and the second relates to how things have a tendency to fail in ways we never anticipate.  So, a competent pilot must be able to cope with a constant level of perturbation in the workplace (think ‘threats, if it helps) and, should something happen, then be able to restore an acceptable level of control as quickly as possible.  In terms of ‘competence’, we can illustrate the situation like this:



A diagram of a company

Description automatically generated







A problem we face with developing competencies is that, often, behaviour is based on deeper, underlying processes that occur internally.  Behaviour is just the manifestation of these processes.  It could be argued that true ‘competence’ is really these behavioural precursors.  The table below proposes a number of target precursors.




Supporting Activities


Causal analysis; risk appraisal; establish the gap between observed and expected; establish abnormal cues based on mental model; compare assumptions about cause and effect relations among cues


Identify options; establish operational constraints; clarify remaining capability/functionality; planning for contingencies



Identify actions required; establish resources required; implementing contingency plan


Referencing observed behaviours to expectations; establish deviations from normal state; use critical thinking


Validate rule set; identify information requirements; validate efficacy of option; establish time reuirements


Use proper phraseology : pay attention to completeness of standard reports; seek information/clarification/ check understanding; exchange information and comprehensions to establish a shared understanding of the problem; formulate and communicate hypothesis about cause and effect relationships


Monitor, support others, provide guidance and suggestions; states appropriate priorities; update situation periodically; resolve opposing interpretations based on team conflict resolution


Create space and time; control stress




5.3     Assessing Competence


Assessment of performance is highly problematic.  The tools we use – marker frameworks – must meet 2 criteria if they are to be considered useful.  First, a category must meet the requirement of validity.  Validity is the degree to which the tool measures the target attribute.  Second, the tool must be reliable, which is the extent to which it is dependable across time.  So,if I assess a candidate at time 1 then, assuming no change in performance, the score from an assessemtn at time 2 should be the same.


The competencies listed above are precursors to performance.  They act in combinations to generate the workplace behaviours that are accessible to observation and, therefore, assessment.  This has implications for validity.  How can I be sure that my observational category is directly linked to the underpinning precursor.  The more direct the relationship the better the validity.  It is for this reason that ‘Situational Awareness’ is unlikely to have verifiable validity as a marker.  The relationship between competencies and outputs is suggested in the diagram below




Competence                                                               Marker   




Planning                                                        Application of Procedures 




Validating                                                      Management of Systems





                                                                       Task Management










Word Pictures,Grade Scale,Group















Fig. 3.1 Relationship between a Competence and a Marker


5.4     Competencies v Markers

A competence framework is an attempt to describe all the skills and underpinning knowledge required of an individual filling a role in an organisation.  The idea is that the role is larger than the specific ‘job’.  Someone can be accomplished in their ‘job’ but can still be lacking in overall effectiveness.  Historically, specific job-related requirements would be described by a task analysis.  Role-related requirements are covered, in part, by the Job Description or Terms of Reference.  However, Job Descriptions etc typically only covered a minimum sub-set of what was required to be fully effective in the role.  The competence framework attempts to bridge the gap by, first, more fully describing the role and then by elaborating on the performance required in the role.  A ‘behavioural marker’ is a description of an element of competence that can be observed in the workplace.  The relationship between the 2 concepts is illustrated in Fig. 4.1


5.5     Designing Markers

It was said earlier that a competence model is not the same as an assessment framework.  Assessment under EBT (and also the earlier CRM requirement) is based on using observable behaviour as the evidence on which to judge ‘competence’.  Thus, whereas a competence model is a broad description of expectations, an assessment framework is a subset of competence that can be routinely observed in the workplace.  Below is an example of an assessment framework:


The NOTECHS Behavioural Markers


Categories                            Elements                                              Example Behaviours

Co-opERATION                 Team building and                              Establishes atmosphere for open

maintaining                                           communication and participation


Considering others                              Takes condition of other crew

members into account

Supporting others                                Helps other crew members in

demanding situation

Conflict solving                                   Concentrates on what is right

rather than who is right


LEADERSHIP AND          Use of authority and                           Takes initiative to ensure

MANAGERIAL SKILLS assertiveness                                         involvement and task completion


Maintaining standards                        Intervenes if task completion

deviates from standards

Planning and coordinating                 Clearly states intentions and goals


Workload management                      Allocates enough time to

complete tasks


SITUATION                        System awareness                               Monitors and reports changes in

AWARENESS                                                                                     system’s states


Environmental                                     Collects information about the

awareness                                              environment


Anticipation                                          Identifies possible future problems


DECISION MAKING        Problem definition /                            Reviews causal factors with other

diagnosis                                               crew members


Option generation                                States alternative courses of


Asks other crew member for


Risk assessment /                                Considers and shares risks of

Option choice                                       alternative courses of action


                                                Outcome review                                  Checks outcome against plan





There are 3 common methods used to construct assessment frameworks.  In aviation, probably the earliest framework was the NASA/University of Texas Crew Effectiveness Marker system.  This was developed by looking at a range of fatal aircraft accidents and identifying what behaviours contributed to crew failure.  This method could be called the ‘historical’ approach.  The NOTECHS framework illustrated above was developed by a committee of SMEs.    The EASA framework is, similarly, the output from a committee.  A third approach is to interview line pilots to get their views.  By using structured interview techniques and ‘card sort’ techniques it is possible to develop an ecologically valid assessment framework.  An example of such an approach is given here:





This dimension relates to the way in which an individual communicates.  It includes the extent to which the speaker is clear, easy to understand and unambiguous.


Positive indicators include:

The sharing information and prior experience, actively seeking opinions, giving input not just when requested but also proactively. Positive responses to inputs (acknowledgement, repeating messages).


Negative indicators include:

The failure to listen or ignoring information.  Failure to explain decisions, actions, intentions. An unwillingness to communicate (needs constant prompting or repeated requests).  Failure to check misunderstood communication (demonstrates hesitancy or uncertainty).



This dimension relates to the conduct of the task. It includes the consistent and appropriate use of checklists and procedures.  Making effective use of time. The avoidance of distraction and maintaining the bigger picture of things happening around the aircraft.


Positive indicators include:


A consistent, but flexible, use of  SOPs.  Monitoring the use of checklists during busy periods and the positive verification that tasks have been completed. Maintaining an even tempo of work (no unnecessary haste or urgency).  Recognising when to minimise non-essential conversation.  Maintaining awareness of other aircraft, objects etc around the aircraft both in the air and on the ground.  Actively developing mental pictures of  what to expect during the next stage of flight (e.g. through verbalisation of expected landmarks, events, system changes etc). Anticipation and thinking ahead. Being aware of time available/remaining, being aware of things around the aircraft (in the air and on the ground), verifying geographical position.


Negative indicators include:


Too strict an adherence to or rigid application of SOPs.  Spending too much time out-of-the-loop on admin tasks, failure to update on events when off-frequency. Rushing or delaying actions unnecessarily



This dimension describes the extent to which effective working relationships are established and maintained within the crew. It includes behaviour which binds the team and which establishes a task focus.


Positive indicators include:


Setting the tone.  Clarifying expectations and standards of performance. The recognition that others have a part to play in the crew process.  Clear allocation of tasks and responsibilities.  Briefing any excursions from SOPs. Fostering a sense of comfort and inclusiveness in the group.


Negative indicators include:

Avoiding responsibility for actions, preventing full expression of views, intolerance, failure to allow individuals to fulfil their role, interference in the work of others.



This dimension relates to the way crews go about making decisions and agree upon appropriate courses of action. 


Positive indicators include:


Sharing problems and concerns, clarifying plans, identifying and discussing options and alternatives.  Evaluating risks, pointing out errors of thinking, explaining decisions, seeking agreement on courses of action.


Negative indicators include:


Hasty reaction to events, failure to consider alternatives, failure to discuss solutions, over-reliance on other agencies.




This dimension relates to the way crew members interact with one another.  It includes an individuals’ personal style, their way of dealing with others and their approach to the task.


Positive indicators include:


An optimistic, positive approach to the job, friendly and approachable.  Personable and easy to get on with.  Patient with others, sensitive to their needs and open to feedback.  Conscientious and dependable (can be relied upon to do the job).


Negative indicators include:


Overbearing, confrontational, aggressive.  Prone to getting upset when things go wrong.  Sometimes lacking in confidence, timid or given to inappropriate behaviour (e.g. poor use of humour).  Lacking in skills and unstructured in their approach to the job.  Too relaxed or too rigid application of the rules.  Inflexible.


It is important to remember that assessment must be appropriate to an airline’s needs.  The competences required of a business jet crew, compared to a cargo crew or a wide body ULH passenger crew will differ.  Markers are abstract constructs that attempt to capture an aspect of behaviour that is deemed important to the operation.



5.6     Validating a Marker Framework.


The 2 examples of marker frameworks illustrated above contain a broad statement of a behaviour - ‘Cooperation’, for example - and then some elaboration in the form of example behaviours or positive indicators.  The elaboration is an attempt to help assessors to better understand the scope of the marker.  The better the assessors understand the boundaries of performance, the more standardised assessments will be.  However, the natural tendency is for assessors to look for the elaborating examples specifically rather than use them to guide their judgement.  The trainee is then assessed based on how many of the example behaviours are observed.  This is actually codified in the EASA VENN.  This approach is wrong.  The broad sweep of normal behaviour makes it impossible to describe every way a specific competence element might be demonstrated by an individual.  Assessors must use their expertise and judgement.


Assessors will look at performance and extract behaviour elements.  These can be physical actions, gestures and other non-verbal signals or speech acts.  These elements represent the evidence upon which an assessor will evaluate performance.  The marker framework must be capable of capturing those element deemed most significant in terms of performance outcomes but must do so in a way such that multiple assessors will make the same categorisation of observed acts: as far as possible, assessors should place the same event in the same category.  Therefore, marker schemes must be validated as part of the initial development phase of the EBT.  To do this, first, collect some segments of crew performance on video.  Next, SMEs who are fully conversant with the marker examine the video and identify the significant behaviour elements.  These are then categorised using the markers.  Only those elements that are unanimously agreed upon by the project team are retained for phase 2.  Next, small groups of potential assessors observe the videos and, independently, identify behaviour elements and assign to markers.  The results are then compared with the SME benchmark.  Elements assigned to the same category by both SMEs and trial subjects can be ignored.  Where elements are assigned to different categories then consideration must be given to redesigning the category, either through changing the definition of the marker or by better elaboration through examples, including specifying what is NOT included under the marker. 


EASA has not published any evidence to suggest that the 9 competencies have been validated.



5.7     A Proposed Solution


If an airline wants to develop its own assessment marker scheme, the following process will help:


Step 1.  From the SMS, develop a model of current and predicted operational hazards

Step 2.  Construct a ‘look up table’ of crew competence (Fig 4.1 as an example)

Step 3.  Cross reference ‘look up table’ to hazard model and verify coverage

Step 4.  Identify critical skills to cope with hazard model

Step 5.  Identify elements of critical skill set that are routinely observed during normal operations

Step 6. Construct marker framework (category and descriptors)

Step 7. Cross reference markers to ‘look up table’



5.8     Conclusion


A competence framework is a broad description of a set of behaviours and underpinning knowledge associated with successful performance.  A behavioural marker is a subset of a competence that can be observed and assessed in the workplace.  Markers generally comprise a top-level label and definition supported by example behaviours.  The examples are intended to clarify and better communicate the intent of the marker.  Markers must be validated before use.




6      Some Thoughts on the idea of ‘Knowledge’ as Competence


The introduction of a set of ‘competencies’ against which to assess pilot performance has involved some debate around the issue of a specific ‘Knowledge’ competence.  Although not adopted by ICAO, it is included in the EASA framework for EBT.  Its description and associated ‘observable behaviours’ are listed in the table below.


Application of knowledge (KNO)



Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of relevant information, operating instructions, aircraft systems and the operating environment

OB 0.1

Demonstrates practical and applicable knowledge of limitations and systems and their interaction

OB 0.2

Demonstrates the required knowledge of published operating instructions

OB 0.3

Demonstrates knowledge of the physical environment, the air traffic environment and the operational infrastructure (including air traffic routings, weather, airports)

OB 0.4

Demonstrates appropriate knowledge of applicable legislation.

OB 0.5

Knows where to source required information

OB 0.6

Demonstrates a positive interest in acquiring knowledge

OB 0.7

Is able to apply knowledge effectively


The list of OBs is supposed to represent statements of observable performance against which an individual’s competence can be assessed.  OBs 0.1, 0.2 and 0.4 relate to the simple recall of information: limitations, systems functioning, interactions between systems, operating instructions and legislation.  OB 0.3 relates to recall of information particular to a destination.  The remaining 3 OBs do not flow from the top-level description and appear to be after-thoughts.  OB 0.5 points to a need to have efficient search methods to find information while OB 0.6 reflects an attitude towards study or maintaining currency. 


The competence description positions ’knowledge’ as little more than information contained in textual artefacts.   However, OB 0.7 suggests that, to be competent, you must be able to ‘apply’ knowledge ‘effectively’.  But what does that mean?


It is a convention to classify knowledge as either declarative or procedural.  In essence, the former describes what we can say and the latter describes what we can do.  The declarative/procedural dichotomy is not new and the first 4 OBs listed in the table are examples of what we would consider declarative knowledge.  Although ‘apply knowledge’ nods towards the procedural side of things, it is too vague a statement to be of any real use.  What we are really interested in is how do we ‘apply’ knowledge?  To what do we ‘apply’ it?


Ohlsson, in his book ‘Deep Learning’, prefers the term ‘process’ to procedural.  In his view, declarative knowledge is more than whatever can be recalled from memory and recited.  Rather, it comprises arrays of constraints that must be satisfied for any action or intervention in the world to be considered legitimate or successful.  His ‘process’ knowledge describes the rule sets needed to control action.  This formulation starts to get closer to a useful description of ‘knowledge’ that could inform an approach to training and performance measurement.  Knowledge supports action.  Declarative knowledge is used to establish the legitimacy of the current status of the task in relation to our operational goal while process knowledge allows us to achieve congruence between the actual and the desired states of the world.  From this perspective, the ‘Knowledge’ competence is an inadequate formulation. 


Advances in neuroscience, and in study of the visual system in particular, have resulted in significant changes in our understanding of how the brain works.  Historically, the study of cognition was predicated on information flowing from the outside - the surrounding world - to the brain, being processed and then out again through action driven by routines stored in memory.  It now seems that this might not be the case.


For a moment I want you to close your eyes.  I want you to recall the scene in front of you at the point at which you closed your eyes. Picture in your mind everything that was in your field of view.  Take a few moments to recreate the scene.  Then open your eyes.  What do you see?  In all probability your answer will be ‘I see what was there when I closed my eyes’.  If there was a window in your field of view you might notice that something has changed.  The drift of clouds across the sky might have changed the lighting conditions.  Essentially, though, the world is still how it was when you closed your eyes.  Or maybe not.


In your mind you constructed a view of the outside world and when you opened your eyes you projected your internal. mental view onto the scene in front of you.  You then cross checked to see if what you perceived matched your expectations.  Neuroscience is increasing revealing that, in terms of cognition, the flow is from the inside out and not the other way around.  Cognition is not simply interrogating the sensory world and interpreting cues.  Rather, it is a process of validating expectations based on stored data and reconciling differences.  So what does this mean for the idea of ‘knowledge’.


The physicist, Carlo Rovelli, explores the nature of reality from the perspective of quantum physics in his book ‘Helgoland’.  He makes the point that ‘knowledge’ describes more than just a ‘library’ of stored concepts, facts and rules.   it is the very the process of interacting with the world.  In this view, ‘knowledge’ is a dynamic process of detecting discrepancies between the projected and the encountered worlds and the actions taken to reconcile differences.  In this view the world is not a static ‘out there’, it is something that is created as part of achieving our goals. Returning to Ohlsson, ‘declarative’ knowledge can now be seen as a repertoire of conditions, acquired through training and experience, that allow us to detect differences between our projected expectations and our actual encounters.  In effect, declarative knowledge is error detection.  Process knowledge describes the ways we reconfigure the world to achieve our goals.


There are 2 significant implications that flow from this discussion for the idea of ‘competence’ as formulated in the ICAO/EASA model.  First, the OBs that require simple recall have nothing to do with ‘knowledge’.  They relate to unstable artefacts that describe arbitrary constraints.  To be considered ‘competent, I must, of course, perform within those constraints.  But I called them unstable simply because technology and policies are not static.  LOSA observations are littered with supposed ‘errors’ that merely reflect the fact that the pilot being observed was working with an out of date framework of policy and procedures.  Pilots can still fly aircraft but they cannot necessarily recall the latest rule changes.  Whilst rules, procedures and limitations are important, making them the focus of performance assessment places an undue emphasis on the easily-captured but, probably, less important aspects of performance.


The second implication is that ‘the ability to apply knowledge effectively’ (OB 0.7) must be rendered meaningful.  Technical, systems information is of use not just because it allows a pilot to diagnose what has happened but more because it supports the construction of expectations: it allows me to know what I will see and, therefore, be able to tell if what is happening is what is required.  We need to develop training that addresses how pilots create expectations during a flight, how they detect ‘errors’ between the expected and actual status, how they diagnose the causes of any discrepancy and then, finally, how to intervene to restore equilibrium.  This is ‘knowledge as action’.  This is true ‘competence’.


Finally, if knowledge really is action then it suggests that any meaningful attempt to assess performance should concentrate more on the utility of outcomes in relation to operational goals.  An ability to recite chapter and verse is evidence only of a reliable memory, not an indication of competence.  Without a doubt, outcomes must be validated against prevailing constraints - policies and rules - but that is the final stage of performance, not its underpinning driver.  This approach poses a serious challenge to concepts such as ‘situational awareness’ and ‘error’.  It seems that what will call SA is more likely to be a reflection of the efficacy of our interventions in the world to restore equilibrium.  Errors are not outcomes to be managed but, rather, are simply feedback signals.  It is the status of the current task that must be managed in order to remove the discrepant signal.  And this is achieved by applying ‘knowledge’.


7      Testing


7.1     Introduction


Defining performance standards in ISD not only requires us to develop a set of objectives, it also forces us to consider how we will test students to assure that they have reached the OPS.  Courses developed under CBTA will require formal tests but training delivered under EBT has a loose association with testing.  In this chapter we will exlore some of the issues that arise from the problem of ‘testing’.


7.2     Testing of Declarative Knowledge


Declarative knowledge, in (very) simple terms, is content stored in memory that can be recalled in response to a trigger.  It is we typically measure in ground school using written exams.  However, when wwe looked at competence models in Chapter 3 we saw that some aspects of ‘competence’ might not be amenable to direct observation and should be sampled through other means, like a written test.


The standard method of testing knowledge in aviation is the Multiple Choice Objective Question (MCOQs).  An MCOQ comprises a question ‘stem’ and 4 responses.  This question type lends itself to testing ‘concrete’ knowledge where there are agreed definitions, stated values or some other form of recognised, correct answer.  They are more difficult to deploy for topics that are more discursive.  Crafting reliable MCOQs is difficult and, so, the effort required should not be under-estimated.


Penalty marking is used in many exam systems as a way of penalising guessing.  If there are 4 responses then there is a 25% probability of getting the question correct simply by guessing.  Penalty marking makes it more profitable to NOT answer a question that simply guess.


7.3     Testing Process Knowledge


Process knowledge contains the ‘how’ to do something.  Testing process knowledge can be done through practical exercises or through mental simulations: ‘armchair flying’ or ‘what if’ scenarios.


The use of simulator exercises in pilot training both develops skills but also renders process knowledge tangible.  Simulator scenarios do require careful design if process knowledge is to be reliably assessed and further discussion of this aspect can be found in Chapter 6.




7.4     Managing the Output from Tests


5.4.1 Summative Testing.  Tests used to establish overall performance against a benchmark are known as summative tests.  End of course exams used to determine those who have passed a course as opposed to those who have failed are summative tests.  Pilot Licensing exams, aircraft handling and instrument checks are summative tests.


5.4.2 Formative Tests.  This category of test is used to establish the stage of development  or progress of an individual and identify any additional need for intervention by the trainer.  A ‘progress’ test falls into this category.  In EBT, the EVAL phase is a formative test in that it is diagnostic and should be used to identify development needs that will be picked up in the SBT phase.


5.4.3 Criterion-referenced Tests.  Where a test result is compared to an external benchmark then it is considered to be ‘criterion-referenced’.  The published standards for aircraft handling accuracy are ‘criteria’ that are applied to the observed performance to establish the acceptability of that erformance.


5.4.4 Norm-referenced Tests.  Tests that compare results against a peer-group, as opposed to an external benchmark, are Norm-referenced.  For example, it is often argued that different grading scals shoud be used for pilots at different stages of their career.  How can a new-hire straight from ab-initio school be assessed using the same criteria as an experienced training captain?  Pyschometric tests are classic examples of norm-referenced testing.  The result of each applicant is compared with a distribution of scores of similar applicants to determine their position relative to a peer group.


5.5 What makes a valuable exam question?


A well-designed exam question should meet 2 requirements.  First, it should be able to discriminate between candidates based on ability.  Second, it should offer insight into any flaws in the candidate’s understanding of the topic. This requires careful drafting of the question responses.


If an exam question has a 100% pass rate then it is either too simple or the item being tested is of no consequence: it isn’t worth testing in the first place.  On the other hand, a failure rate greater than 20% suggest that either the question is too hard (or badly written) or the course content is not aligned to the question topic.



7.5     Conclusion


Testing is often given little consideration in aviation training but the design of effective testing regimes requires thought.



8      Developing Training Modules


8.1     Course Design

In conventional course design, the next step is to assign the TOs to the specific modules of training. The entry level of the course delegates will shape this process.  Having assigned the objectives to the training module, the next step is to identify the most appropriate training media.

The complexity of the task or performance element itself is important. If an activity is either so simple that it can be achieved without formal training or if unsuccessful completion is inconsequential, then it is generally agreed that no training is necessary.

We need to distinguish, at this point, between training and qualification. On the one hand, training skills and knowledge can be accomplished in fairly simple training environments. On the other hand, in order to provide the best evidence in support of the SC and to satisfy the requirements of the Authority, there might be a requirement to use high-fidelity training devices, at least for confirmation of proficiency.

It is possible to match training to technology to training requirement through tests of training transfer. Whereas it is possible to cover the bulk of preparatory training through classroom or computer-based training, skills development often requires practice in an appropriate environment. The level of fidelity of the device (i.e. the extent to which the device mimics the real world) does not necessarily correlate to the training benefit of the device.

One final step in the course design process is that of establishing the depth of training required. With reference to the TA, we can identify 3 properties of each task in the listing:

  the frequency with which an individual encounters that task during normal line operations,

  the difficulty involved in completing the task successfully and

  the criticality of the task in terms of overall safety.

The output from this analysis will determine how much training time to allocate. The analysis will also influence the checking regime.  For example, activities that are infrequently encountered but are critical may need more training time allocated to them and might call for more frequent checking.



8.2     Training Documentation

The following documentation should be provided for each training event:

Syllabus. The syllabus is a list of TOs covered by the course.

Curriculum. The curriculum document describes the course in terms of its organisation. The curriculum describes how TOs are allocated to individual sessions and links TOs to training media.

Lesson Plan. Individual lesson plans will be required for each training session. The lesson plan provides the framework within which the instructor conducts the training session.


8.3     Event Design under EBT

EBT requires airlines to have a methodology for designing the various modules called for under the regulation.  These modules are the Manoeuvres Training (MT), the Evaluation (EVAL and the Scenario-based Training (SBT).  The MT module offers pilots the opportunity to rehearse critical or infrequently-performed manoeuvres.  It is limited in its scope for data capture.  The EVAL and SBT elements are LOFT scenarios based around a table of requirements.  They differ in that the EVAL element is seen as diagnostic and the SBT as primarily training with space for the remediation of issues identified in the EVAL.  Events from the training topic table can be spread across the EVAL and SBT elements but are handled differently in each case.

The EVAL and SBT modules of EBT represent design activities but differ from conventional training module design in that they require an operator to construct profiles that allow trainees to accomplish tasks derived from analysis of operations.  Because of the range of  system diagnostic messages presented by modern generations of aircraft and the variety of approach designs in the operational environment, there is insufficient training resource available to rehearse every possible event.


8.3.1    Malfunction Clustering

The process of clustering malfunctions is a discrete activity that can be undertaken early  in the EBT project.  First, generate a list of possible malfunctions (using OEM documentation for reference).  Retain those items that place a significant demand on the crew.  By demand, you must consider those items that require active intervention, require additional physical and/or mental effort and also any malfunction that degrades aircraft handling.

Each retained malfunction is then assessed against a set of criteria:

    Immediacy (requires immediate and urgent intervention or decision, time critical)

  Complexity (recovery with multiple options or decision paths, can result in multiple inoperative or degrade systems)

  Degradation of aircraft control (in combination with abnormal handling characteristics)

  Loss of instrumentation (degraded or alternative displays)

  Management of consequences (impacts on task sharing/workload management/decision making, can result in a significant increase in workload)

One method that can be use is to compile a table of malfunctions with columns for each of the criteria.  The table is then distributed to a sample of pilots, usually senior, experienced pilots.  Acting in isolation (i.e. not in communication with others), the sample of pilots rates each malfunction against the criteria on a 5 point scale.  For example, an event might score 1 (low) on ‘immediacy’ if there is no need to prioritise action but a 5 (high) if the malfunction required an immediate response.  The size of the sample of raters needed is, in part, driven by availability.  As a rule of thumb, no less than 5 would be acceptable but 8-10 is optimal.

The exercise moderator collects the individual ratings and calculates an average score for each malfunction/criteria combination.  The information is fed back to the raters who are now asked, having been given feedback on group performance, would they change their score in any way.  The second set of responses is collected.  The scores for the criteria are  summed to provide a final ranking.

For each aircraft system (ATA Chapter), the highest scoring malfunctions are retained.  Consideration might be given to setting a threshold value and only those malfunctions scoring above the threshold are retained.

The final list of malfunctions should then be compared against the available malfunctions represented in the simulator.  Where a high scoring malfunction cannot be presented in the simulator, consideration should be given to using alternative training media to address that event.

The process for approach clustering follows a similar philosophy.


8.3.2    Designing Event Sets to Create Surprise.

‘Surprise’, as opposed to ‘startle’ is one of the training topics included in training with the intention of building pilot resilience or coping.  Another scenario design requirement is for there to be sufficient variability to ensure that crews cannot prepare for an exercise and, thus, present a rehearsed performance.  Surprise can be created by giving crews an unexpected event to deal with or to introduce sufficient disturbance to the normal routine that crews are constantly having to adjust.  The ‘threats’ collected during a LOSA offer a rich source of real-world disturbances. The ‘event set’ concept, adapted from ATQP provides a vehicle for incorporating technical malfunctions in a scenario.

The EBT AMC/GM makes it clear that ‘surprise’ events must be standardised and developed by the project team, not left to individual trainers to concoct.  Event sets can be constructed using the malfunction clustering output.  The list of malfunctions can be divided into 3 groups based on their rankings.  The first group comprises those that are candidates for inclusion in training.  The second group comprises those middle raking events that cam be managed in parallel with other activities.  The final group comprises the lowest-scoring events that still require attention but are little more than distractors.  For each scenario, a list is compiled comprising a number of malfunctions from each set.  The trainer selects one malfunction from each set for inclusion in the scenario.




Building Scenarios

Figure 6.1

Under EBT, both the EVAL and the SBT comprise a LOFT scenario that addresses training topics contained in the table appropriate to the generation of aircraft in service with the operator.  In each cycle, events included in the EVAL do not have have to be repeated in the SBT module.  Across a 3 year programme all training topics must be addressed in either the EVAL or SBT modules.  Training topics vary in terms of the requires exposure rate.  Some must be included in each session, others must be addressed in each cycle (12 months) and some are required once in 3 years.  The topics can be divided into 3 main classes: manoeuvres, technology and conditions.  The table below illustrates this relationship:






Each Event

Unstable Approach

Go around


Manual Control

Adverse weather


Each Cycle

2D/3D Approaches

Systems Management


Adverse Wind


Surface Conditions

3 Yearly

Wind shear Recovery

Lost Communications

Engine Failures

Fire, Smoke and Fumes




Load sheet errors


Table 6.1

Several of the training topics are elements of performance and are attributes of how crew deal with a scenario.  For example, ‘CRM’ and ‘Compliance’ (each event), ‘surprise’ and ‘workload’ (each cycle).  Some, like ATC and load sheet errors, are examples of threats and can be included in scenarios rather than be the subject of a scenario.  The cell ‘each cycle/technology’ will be informed by the output from the malfunction clustering exercise.  Across a 3 year programme, crews should be exposed to malfunctions that differ in terms of the  criteria listed in 6.3.1. The ‘manoeuvres’ cells will be largely shaped by the approach clustering exercise.  The manoeuvres column divides into departure and arrival events.

When building scenarios, multiple topics can be incorporated into single episodes.  For example, ‘adverse weather’, ‘unstable approach’ and ‘wind shear recovery’ can be combined to create a situation that also addresses ‘CRM’, ‘surprise’ and ‘Automation’.  Some topics share features.  For example, ‘terrain’ and ‘traffic’ both create prohibited spaces that must not be penetrated by the aircraft.  They, thus, have metaphorical equivalence.  Management of either requires ‘CRM’, ‘workload management’, coping with ‘surprise’ and use of ‘automation’.


8.3.4    Training for Uncertainty[1]

If competence is essentially about performance, it follows that training should provide opportunities to, first, act and then allow for reflection.  This premise suggests that training should be experiential whenever possible.  Figure 5.2 shows a template design for a forced choice event that formed part of a recurrent simulator session.  On this occasion, the overall scenario was a standard company route with the aircraft on the return leg to home base.  The route passed close by a third company destination.  Fidelity was, therefore, high.  The trigger event was a depressurisation, chosen because it happened to be a mandatory item to be covered during this cycle.  The forced descent resulting from the technical problem meant that there was now insufficient fuel to complete the remainder of the flight and so a diversion was necessary.  There were two available airports.  The first was the company destination and the second was still acceptable, if a little further away.  The first steps in the design of the activity, then, are to select a plausible story line (routine company sector), establish a trigger event which forces a response and then offer plausible alternatives.  The goal is to design an activity that has face validity, which means that the scenario is sufficiently plausible such trainees can readily buy-in to the activity.  We are trying to capitalise on learner motivation. 


                                                     Trigger Event

                                                Decision 1A                           Decision 1B




                                   D2A                    D2B              D3A                  D3B





Figure 6.2. Scenario Structure

The next step is to define the attributes of the destinations.  Runway direction, length, available navigation aids and surrounding topography were, in this case, set.  The variables that can be manipulated are usually associated with the weather.  Precipitation, visibility, wind strength and direction, implications for braking action can all be controlled.  In this scenario, values were set such that no single destination or runway was obvious but all conditions were plausible, again in an attempt to establish face validity.  The intent was to create situations that trainees would find recognisable based on past experience.  Having created the scenario. the next step was to consult a group of SMEs.  Management pilots were asked to step through the decision points and state the advantages and disadvantages for each choice.  They were also asked to state what their preferred choice would be.  The decision points are described in Table 6.2.

The responses from the management pilots were aggregated and the most frequently cited reasons were used to create a table that could be used in the subsequent exercise debrief.  Interestingly, the results were fed back to the management pilots and some were surprised that their peers, first, sometimes opted for a different outcome and, second, offered justifications that differed from theirs.  Even subject matter experts do not always agree.  Table 9.3 contains an example of the decision point strengths and weaknesses collected from the management pilots.

Decision Point



Land at Destination A


Land at Destination B


Execute Go Around and Second Approach to Destination A


Divert to Destination B


Make Approach to Runway 1


Make Approach to Runway 2


Table 6.2 Decision Points


The planning described here was then used to construct a simulator profile.  Rules were established to ensure that the exercise always ended with a successful landing: we did not want crews to fail as that would undermine the training value.  The debrief was then conducted using the SME framework so that crew could, first, declare their own decision-making process and then compare with the thoughts of an expert group.  However. it was made clear that there was no correct solution. 


Decision 1

Go to Destination 1

Not Go to Destination1

Really Should Consider

On-line port so faster service recovery

Crew more familiar than with destination 2

Closer than Destination 2

Weather close to minima

Probability of a missed approach

Might Also Consider

Better able to deal with medical issues arising from depressurisation.

No terrain issues

Auto-land capability

Fuel availability

Long runway

No ILS on reciprocal runway

Time available for preparation due to proximity

Landing performance (wet runway with tailwind)


Table 6.3 Decision Point Characteristics

The point of the exercise was to explore decision making.  Because of the way the exercise was constructed, crew had to trade off options (into-wind runway with no ILS v ILS with tailwind; descend over terrain in marginal weather v descend over sea), prioritise (needs of injured passengers v probability of successful approach) and consider future risk (fuel remaining if unable to land off first approach).  They also had to fly the simulator and deal with the procedural activity associated with the task.  The framework is representative of a LOFT scenario although possibly with some additional effort applied to designing the decision points. It also represents a template that can be used to map competence training goals onto technologies. 


8.4     Competency Mapping

AMC8 ORO.FC.232 requires operators to map their competency framework onto scenarios in order to verify that opportunities exist, across a 3 year programme, to capture data against all competencies.  Within each EVAL/SBT module, pilots should be assessed against all competencies but the mapping exercise provides a cross-check of coverage.

The mapping exercise is undertaken by teams of SMEs.  The aim of the exercise is to identify those behaviours most clearly associate with success in the particular scenario element


8.5     Conclusion

Curriculum development is the process of translating the TA into delivered training. ATQP demands that training is developed according to a methodology. Furthermore, the training system must comply with the requirements of the SC in that it must be fit for purpose and it must deliver a product that meets operational needs. In this chapter we have summarised some of the key issues associated with curriculum development and suggested a methodology for linking flight data to training.



9      Constructing a Grade Scale



9.1     Introduction

Assessing performance requires trainers to undertake 2 tasks.  First, samples of behaviour are collected and assigned to a category we call a ‘marker’, discussed in the previous chapter.  Next, the combined evidence in each category is assigned a value on a scale.  For this we need a ‘grade scale’.  In this chapter we look at constructing scales.



9.2     Reasons for Grading Performance

There are a number of stakeholders in the ‘grading’ process.  The operator will want to know if the pilot group is fit for purpose and if there may be trends emerging in proficiency.  The regulator will want to know if the pilot group is legal.  The pilots themselves will want to know that they are performing to the standard required or if they need development.  The trainers will want to know if they need to put in any additional work on an individual.


These different stakeholders have different informational needs.  The intervals on a grade scale represent ‘information’ about the candidate being observed.  Unfortunately, it is difficult to accommodate these differing needs in a single scale, which, for efficiency, is what we are trying to do.


9.3     Examples of Grade Scales


We will discuss the mechanics ‘grading’ further in Chapter 6 but the fundamental concept that must be grasped is that we are not ‘measuring’ pilots in the same way we can measure height or weight.  We are assigning them to a category.  Therefore, the categories we use must be useful in the sense that they provide information - or intelligence - that can be used to validate the risk assessment or Safety Case (SC)(see Chapter 3)


The NOTECHS framework uses the following grade scale:


Very Poor




Very Good


behaviour directly

endangers flight



behaviour in other

conditions could

endanger flight



behaviour does

not endanger

flight safety but

needs improvement




flight safety

Observed behaviour

optimally enhances

flight safety and

could serve as an

example for other





Here is another grade scale:


5 – Exemplary Performance.  Crew members act in a manner which could be considered a role model for others.  Standard suitable for selection as instructors.


4 – Expected Performance.  Crew members act in a manner expected of competent, experienced line pilots.  Any slips are corrected by the individual concerned.  Crew members performance guarantees safe and efficient aircraft operation at all times.


3 – Performance Rectified During Debrief.  Crew members act in a generally safe and efficient manner.  Any slips are usually corrected by another crew member or an outside agency before an unsafe situation can develop.  Crew members are aware of any shortcomings and can offer reasons and alternative courses of action when questioned during debriefing.


2 – Performance in Need of Further Training.  Crew members act in a generally unsatisfactory manner such that potentially unsafe or inefficient situations exist for too long before corrective action taken.  Crew members often unaware of performance problems.  Additional training requirement generally more extensive than can be accomplished during post-exercise debrief.


1 – Unsatisfactory.  Crew members act in a way which causes aircraft to be operated in an unsafe or inefficient manner. 


Finally, here is a 4 point scale:


1.   Unsatisfactory, unsafe, illegal, below published standard

2. Not unsatisfactory but aspects of the performance demonstrated a lack of, or incorrect, knowledge or an incorrect technique.  The assessor must be able to identify a specific aspect of performance in need of remediation.  The training or checking event can be signed off but the subsequent report will comment on the specific performance issue.

3.  No doubt about overall competence but the performance may have prompted a need to discuss points of finesse and general development.  Any lapses, errors or inefficient management were of a minor nature and did not affect the overall flight.  Manual handling might be of a standard such that control inputs are readily apparent to a trained observer. The behaviour may have caused the overall crew performance to be inefficient or degraded although not disrupted.

4. A strong performance that showed that the individual was capable of operating to the desired standard and/or was deserving of praise.


The number of intervals on a grade scale depends upon the purpose it is trying to satisfy.    For example, if we simply need to verify that the pilot is legal to operate, a 2 interval scale is sufficient: yes or no.  If we want to identify those pilots capable of rapid promotion to command, we need a scale that can better discriminate between individuals.  The key problem is that, as the number of intervals increases, the degree of inter-rater reliability reduces: more categories equals more noise.  This problem will be addressed in more detail in Chapter 9.


9.4     Constructing a Grade Scale


Step 1. Clarify the reason for grading performance

Step 2. Decide on the number of intervals needed to satisfy the requirement

Step 3. Define the intervals using clear ‘anchors’

Step 4. Test the intervals by defining what does NOT fit in each category

Step 5. Using SMEs, field test the grade scale

Step 6. Fine tune interval boundaries

Step 7. Field test with larger sample of assessors

Step 8. Publish grade scale


Just as the marker framework must be validated before roll out, equally, the grade scale must be tested.  Again, a group of SMEs must assign a value to a performance and then trial subjects must assess a video and assign a score for each marker.  Where the trial subjects and the SMEs agree, the evidence used by the trial subjects should be checked.  Where the trial subjects score differ, the reasons should be identified.  Again, where consistent discrepancies occur the solution might be to redesign the grade scale or to rely on training and feedback to arrive at concordance.



9.5     Conclusion


A shift to a competence approach to training requires, first, a specification of performance expected of competent crew.  We then need a tool to capture observable subsets of competence and method of categorising crew.  It is important to remember that a CM and an assessment marker are not the same.  The latter is just a sub-set of the former.  The complete verification of competence may require additional forms of testing.

10  The Conduct of Assessment


10.1  Introduction

Assessment is a fundamental part of the training function.  However, we do have an issue with terminology in aviation.  Generally speaking, the term ‘checking’ has negative connotations in airlines around the world.  The nature of airline recurrent training has been discussed elsewhere in these notes and it is important to remember that we are both verifying the suitability of a line pilot for continued employment.  Assessment, in the context of EBT, involves capturing data about pilot performance within the behavioural marker framework.

In this chapter we look at the process of assessment and some of the common pitfalls.


10.2  Using Markers

Assessment involves gathering samples of ‘evidence’, aggregating them into related groups and then putting a value to the performance.  Observing what happens before your very eyes is surprisingly difficult, but it is the basis of the assessment process. The ‘evidence’ is what the pilots say and do while operating the aircraft.  A fundamental principle of using marker frameworks is that if you do not see it happening, then you cannot use it as evidence.  This is important because, as a trainer, you will have a set of expectations of what you think a competent crew will do during the exercise.  If they fail to meet those expectations then you will form a negative impression.  This problem is discussed further below.  You must first of all understand the markers.  The marker descriptions are not exhaustive lists of thing people do within that category of behaviour.  They are pointers.  However, the markers are intended to be mutually exclusive: a specific instance of behaviour should not be capable of being assigned to more than one marker.  However, because behaviour is messy, a particular episode might not fit exclusively into a single category.  The skill of an assessor is in teasing out the component parts of the event and attributing them to the appropriate category. 


10.3  Observation of Performance

Assessment is a 4-stage process and can be summarised as follows:

             'ORCE' – Observe, Record, Classify, Evaluate. 

Stage 1 – Observe.  The starting point for assessment is simply watching what happens during the assessment session.  This first step is, of course, nothing new.  It is the bread and butter of flight training and always has been.  The context of observation needs some consideration, however.  Working in the simulator will require the assessor to manage the training event as well as watch the crew.  This might mean that events are missed as attention is diverted to the management task.  Doing a Line Check from an operating seat means that the assessor is also part of the operating crew and that will change the dynamic of the assessment session.

Stage 2 – Record.  Again, using notes to record a training event is nothing new.   Your notes need to cover specific aspects of performance against the markers.  Individuals usually develop their own techniques over time but the important point to remember is that your memory is fallible so try to make key point notes as required.  Also:

  Try to be discrete – try not to let crew see you writing.

  Do not attempt to take transcript of event

After the event, review your key points and elaborate while information is still fresh in your memory.  These first 2 stages are common to all pilot training and are not unique to assessment using markers.

Stage 3 – Classify.  Stage 2 simply allows you to recall as much evidence as possible before it is lost.  Evidence is the samples of behaviour you saw. Now you need to assign your observations to the marker categories.  Of course, behaviour does not fall neatly into boxes and so, as a rule of thumb, use an example to support an assessment against the most relevant marker: the ‘best fit’ concept.  It is important that you read the marker description and fully understand its scope., including behaviours NOT included in the category.  Unfamiliarity with the marker will result in unreliability.

Stage 4 – Evaluate.  Finally, review the evidence you have collected for the marker and assign a grade using the grade scale.  At this stage you are weighing up your evidence and assigning a grade that best describes the overall performance of the individual against that marker.  In most cases the evidence will show some variation of quality and your assessment should not default to the worst case.  Unless you saw something that was illegal or unsafe – in which case the decision is made for you – you should apply your experience and expertise to judge the body of evidence and grade accordingly.  Your decision will be borne out by the evidence you cite in the report to support the grade you give.

AMC3 ORO.FC.231(d)(1) describes Stage 4 of the process in these terms:

‘Assess and evaluate (grade): assess the performance by determining the root cause(s) according to the competency framework. Low performance would normally indicate the area of performance to be remediated in subsequent phases or modules. Evaluate (grade) the performance by determining a grade for each competency using a methodology defined by the operator. ‘

This formulation is problematic.  Having ‘evaluated’ - assigned a value - the instructor is then required to provide developmental feedback to the trainee in order to resolve any deficiencies in competence and to consolidate and further develop those behaviours that are already being delivered to the required standard (see sidebar ‘Pilot Performance, Safety II and Debriefing for Success’).  This might require skills of diagnosis. The AMC appears to confuse these 2 tasks.


10.4  Assigning a Score to a Performance – Sources of Assessor Unreliability in Evaluation

Grade scales are as prone to misuse as are markers systems.  The key problems we need to address are a function of the scale itself and the personal biases assessors bring to the process.  The 2 main scale related problems are:

Central Tendency – this describes the degree to which assessors award grades of ‘average’.  This is a function of scale design.

Scale Abuse - Assessors clip top and bottom grades, often using justifications such as ‘there is always room for improvement’.  Other assessors award half marks by putting check marks on boundaries between scales.  In effect, they have added intervals to the scale and our assessments are no longer standard across all assessors

The main problems with assessor bias are: 

Primacy – This psychological characteristic relates to the fact that, in memory, performances of the same task tend to be stored only after they have been through some sort of averaging process.  By this, I mean that we do not remember every single, specific performance.  Instead, we have a ‘generalised’ version of the event in memory and we tend to only recall specific aspects of the performance that stood out in some way.  On way of ‘standing out’ is to be the first.  Therefore, when observing someone complete a task that we are, ourselves, familiar with, we can often give extra weight to the first thing we saw and our assessment of the overall performance is coloured accordingly.

Recency – The same as above but now it’s the last thing you saw as this is the freshest in our memories.

Halo Effect – if the observed pilot is good at one thing then, by implication, they must be good at all things (inverse = Horns Effect. If the candidate is bad at one thing they must be bad at all things).  Halo effect comes into play in cases where we have little or no evidence against a specific dimension.  So, say the pilot was good at ‘Communication’ but, for some reason, we saw little behaviour in the category of ‘Handling stress’.  Because we thought they were good in one area, we would assume that they were good in other areas, too.

Prior Knowledge - performance coloured by what you already know about the person.  In small airlines it is not difficult to have knowledge of a candidate before they arrive for training.  We also have the training folder to read.  Because we have knowledge before the training event starts, this can influence the way we judge the performance.  So, if we think the pilot is weak, we will be harder to please; if we like the pilot, we will make allowances.  As a result, we are not applying the same standard across all pilots.

Personal Preferences - performance coloured by your own view of the world.  This can be a problem if the markers are vague or poorly understood by the assessors.  I end up making a judgement based on what I think is important and then I write up the report to support my conclusions.  You can usually see when personal preference is being applied because report narratives will lack evidence to support conclusions, or the assessor will use statements like ‘I feel that…’ or ‘My gut reaction is…’ 

Gate-keeper Syndrome – the longer you spend in training the harder you become to please.  This results in average grade score declining over time.

These problems can be avoided by having a thorough understanding of the intention of each interval on the scale and then with a disciplined use of the scale.  It is also important to understand that the intervals on the scale are, in fact, categories of performance rather that than equidistant points along a continuum.  They are classes and the candidate is assigned to a class based on their performance.  Understand the spirit of the class and grade scale use will become more reliable.  The golden rules of grading are:

  Stick to gathering data during the performance.

  Do not evaluate data until after the performance.

  Stick to the markers.

  Cite your evidence to support your conclusions

  Keep reminding yourself that you are fallible!


10.5  The VENN Model

The guidance material proposes the VENN model of handling evidence.  Observers should review the performance  of the individual against each of the competence markers.  For each marker the assessor must take into consideration how many of the OBs were seen and how often they were used.  The outcome of the performance is then considered before the final grading is awarded, which reflects the lowest ranking assessment.  There are some problems with this approach.  First, there are caveats in the VENN process that recognise that it might not be appropriate to apply a specific OB in the context of the task being observed.  Therefore, missing data must be accommodated in the process.

Although markers are not supposed to be used as a checklist and the listed observable behaviours are simply a representative subset, by default the list becomes a checklist.  The framing of the VENN process, with the specific question ‘how many?’ reinforces the problem.  The quality of the performance will be associated with the outcome and so the ‘horns and halo’ bias will be introduced (Section 8.4).  The VENN model should be used with caution.


10.6  A Note on Validity.

Markers represent mental constructs.  They are simply concepts we use to cluster types of observed behaviour.  One problem with assessment is that constructs vary in their validity.  Validity is simply the degree to which what we say we are measuring is what we are actually measuring.  Take, for example, Situational Awareness.  Am I measuring some ability of the pilot to project forward in time, based on all the currently-available information, and to accurately estimate what the aircraft’s position and status will be in comparison with some ideal model of what it should be?  Or am I actually measuring the psychological parameters of memory capacity, field dependency, stimulus response time etc?

Matthew Beaubien and his colleagues at the American Institutes for Research in Washington review 2 studies looking at the construct validity of ratings given to crews undertaking LOS training.  Construct validity is the extent to which a test item or scale actually measures the quality, characteristic, skills etc it claims to be measuring.  The first study involved 636 Boeing 757 crews and the second looked at the results for 837 crews.  The crews were given a grade for their performance at each stage of flight.  They were graded for their technical proficiency and for their use of CRM skills.  The result?  In both studies the conclusion was that the scores are not related to the constructs being assessed.  Instead, scores reflected some overall impression of how the crew did at each stage of flight, not how they employed specific skills.  Let me explain with an example from my own experience.  A colleague working with a US carrier was telling me of their attempt to use digital data from a flight simulator to somehow automate the performance grading process.  First they did a whole load of V1 cuts with different crews.  Each crew was assessed by an experienced instructor and was graded using the standard assessment forms.  At the same time, various parameters were being measured and recorded in the simulator in much the same way as we record aircraft data as part of a FOQA programme.  Once they had enough data they then looked at the relationship between the instructor assessments and the digital data.  At the end of the day it all came down to speed of response.  The grades awarded by the assessors were all related to the speed with which the crew responded to the V1 cut.  The faster you reacted, the better the grade.  How you reacted, how you worked as a crew etc counted for little or nothing.


10.7  Conclusion

Unless trainers and assessors have a thorough understanding of the marker framework and the grade scale any attempts to collect data on performance will fail.  The sources of unreliability discussed above are common to all systems where an individual assigns a score to another individual: this is not unique to aviation.  In the next chapter we will look at how we can use statistical methods to improve data reliability.



11  Instructor and Assessor Training, Qualification and Standardisation


11.1  Introduction

There is an  emphasis on data collection in both ATQP and EBT.  In order to provide reliable data in support of the SC there will be an increased need for Instructors and Assessors to be trained to a consistent level and periodically checked for standardisation. In this chapter we outline the systems needed to meet the requirement.

In addition to training, there are additional requirements for both assessment tools and also assessors to be validated and periodically recalibrated.

The concepts described in this chapter can be readily introduced into an airline given that the fundamentals are already contained in EASA-FCL. The benefits of a more rigorous approach to instructor and assessor training would accrue to any airline wishing to adopt the principles contained in this chapter.


11.2  The Training of Instructors

EASA FCL.920 lists the ‘competences’ required of an instructor.  By coincidence, this illustrates nicely the problems with the competence approach.  The previous guidance on instructor training outlined the ‘Teaching and Learning’ course, which went some way towards providing an instructional framework for developing new trainers.  The old content has been incorporated into the framework as ‘Knowledge’ requirements (see AMC1 to FCL.920).  Part of the problem with the existing provision is that there is an implicit assumption that the target population for the course will be ab initio flight instructor.  Training Captains involved in airline recurrent training will need specific modules that look at the observation and assessment of competence markers.  This chapter will not deal with the initial qualification of trainers. An illustrative training curriculum is at Annex A to Chapter 7.

The core skills and attitudes of an airline trainer are (see also Annex C):

Briefing - preparing candidates for an activity

Observation - effective data collection

Analysis and diagnosis - interpreting performance

Evaluation (grading) - accurate assignment of scores

Debriefing - providing feedback for development

Administration - timely completion of procedural activity

Empathy - appreciation of the requirements of the candidate


Specific exercises will be needed to develop the skill of debriefing and, possibly, briefing.  Information about administration can be provided in manuals but the importance of timely and accurate completion of administration tasks touches on attitudes to the role of being a trainer.  The ability to develop a working relationship with a candidates and to consider the performance from the candidate’s perspective is important.


11.3  How to Train Assessors

In order to ensure the reliability of assessment data, airlines, first, will have to ensure that assessors are properly trained and standardised before they undertake any assessment of crew.  Airlines will then need to have an on-going process of monitoring assessor performance.

When an assessor assigns a score to a performance we need to be able to check that the score is ‘true’, i.e it reflects the performance of the observed pilot and is not influenced by other factors, such as the types of bias discussed in the previous chapter.  If we cannot establish if the score is ‘true’ then the assessment system is almost worthless.  Sources of unreliability are individual bias in assessors, faults in the design of the assessment markers and the grade scale and the assessment situation.  There is one final source of unreliability; random chance.  As we will see later, there is always the risk that the score awarded for a performance could be pure luck!

In Chapter 4 we saw that assessment requires samples of behaviour to be collected, categorised and then evaluated.  The first problem we have is that, because of the variability of behaviour in the workplace, it is not always simple to assign performance to a category.  Observers will witness a stream of activity that is shaped by the airline’s procedural frameworks but is shaped by the contingencies being handles by the crew in real time.  We can segment performance into:

  Acts: observable actions related to the control of work not associated with an explanation.

  Utterances: verbal comments related to the conduct of work not associated with an act.

  Narratives: sequences of acts and utterances delivered as a performance

  Interregna: Observable pauses with no acts or utterances often only accessible through eye tracking.


Each of these units of performance can be delivered by an individuals or may be the result of collaborative actions by the operating crew.  The units will be related to the control of the task and will have a force in that they will contribute to the successful accomplishment of planned goals.  They can, thus, be measured in terms of effectiveness.  The role of the assessor is to identify the acts in the stream of behaviour and assign a value.

The task of evaluation - or assessing - is fundamental to the trainers’ role and it is important to clearly establish that data collection is secondary to the task of performance coaching.  It is of no use simply to be able to accurately grade a performance if we cannot then help the candidate to improve, where necessary.  The observation of performance is a skill as is the assignment of a grade.  Each skill need to be developed.  It is not sufficient to simply publish the assessment markers and the grade scale and then assume that an experienced Training Captain or simulator instructor will be able to use the tools reliably.  It is recommended that a 1 day workshop be conducted.  In addition to the assessment scheme and the grade scale, suitable training materials - typically filmed performances - must be created.  A suggested framework for the day is given below:


Session 1. Overview of assessment, its purpose and importance.

Session 2. Review of the assessment framework.  This includes a discussion of the markers, their scope and limitations.

Session 3.  Practical Exercise 1.  Observation of video to identify behaviours.  Individuals gather examples of behaviour and share with the class.  The samples are then categorised using the markers.

Session 4. Practical Exercise 2. Repeat of Exercise 1 but now the class individually collect and assign evidence and then share their evidence against the nominated markers.    

Session 5.  Introduction to Sources of Bias

Session 6.  Review grade scale.  Discuss the design rationale and the meaning of each category.

Session 7.  Practical Exercise 3. Constrained Observation (i.e. assessors look for 1 or 2 nominated markers only) and assign to grade. Group discussion.  Trainer collects grades from individuals before sharing.  Discuss scores at extremes of the range and get delegates to share evidence in support of their assigned grade.

Session 8.  Practical Exercise 4. Repeat Ex. 3 but with different sample of markers. Results shared and discussed. 

Session 9.  Practical Exercise 5.  Observation. Group consensus on result required.  Class to lead the discussion and exercise ends once agreement on grade is reached.

Session 10.  Conclusion. Opportunity for handle concerns and questions.  Explanation of next steps.

The first 2 practical exercises in the proposed training course look at the ability of assessors to categorise observations.  Exercises 3 and 4 look at grading of performance.  Exercise 5 is, in effect, a final standardisation check.  Categorisation and grading are 2 separate processes and the reliability of each needs to be established[2].



11.4  The Importance of Debriefing

Post-exercise debriefing is a fundamental part of pilot training and an essential skill for pilot trainers, the more so now that EBT places increased emphasis on the accurate diagnosis of performance issues.  In addition, the eager take up of ‘Safety II’ thinking, with its focus on ‘what went right, not what went wrong’ suggests that trainers need to be able to help learners actually work out ‘why it went right and how to repeat it again next time’. 

Praising correct performance is a form of reinforcement and can consolidate the achievement of the trainee, and humans are hard-wired to learn through mimicry.  The Mirror Neurone System (MNS) appears to exist for that purpose.  Now, some confounding variables.  Expert observers are often perfectly able to gauge the overall quality of a performance but then struggle to decompose the elements that contributed to their overall assessment: they are ‘blind’ to the granularity of what is happening before them.  Furthermore, being able to identify ‘what went well’ may not offer any evolutionary benefit whereas being able to detect the signals of impending failure will save your life.  When we talk about doing things well, we are often commenting on someone’s ability to recover a situation.  Something must have been going, or about to go, wrong for ‘rightness’ to become apparent.  Part of the problem, especially in airline recurrent training, is that, when dealing with trained and proficient crew, what we see is what we are expecting to see - which is a competent performance.  Our primary task is validating proficiency, not looking for reasons to comment on ‘better than proficient’.   We must also guard against confusing ‘correct’ with ‘right’.  Procedural compliance is doing things ‘correctly’ but simply following SOPs is not really what we are talking about.  There are, though, some acknowledged consummate performers.  With them, every encounter is an opportunity to learn.  These are rare and, when they do occur, airlines should spend time studying why they are exceptional.

We have a paradox, then.  On the one hand, we have in us the software that ought to allow us to copy good performance but, on the other, we lack the tools to identify acts that offer an incremental benefit on our current level of functioning.  The debrief is the forum where we try to solve this conundrum.


11.5  Classical Debriefing Structures

Probably the oldest framework for conducting a debrief is what could be called the ‘chronological’ approach.  The trainer talks through the timeline of the exercise, picking out items for comment.  The chronological model is intuitive and probably flows from our innate tendency to tell stories.  And stories usually start at the beginning and finish at the end.  Unfortunately, it isn’t an efficient vehicle for promoting learning.

The other common model, unfortunately commonly known as the sh*t sandwich’, tries to tap into the emotional state of the trainee.  The debrief starts with an aspect of the performance that was noteworthy.  Of course, this could be considered ‘positive reinforcement’ but the goal is really to create a willingness to listen on the part of the trainee.  Next, the key learning points are addressed.  By learning points, we really mean what the trainee did wrong.  The debrief ends with some more positive comments so that the trainee walks away with the feeling that it wasn’t all bad.

Today, the ‘sandwich’ model receives universal bad press.  A part of the problem is not the concept but its use.  It needs planning and, of course, it is no more than a set of place holders, a sequence of points at which the trainer needs to engage with the student.  And it needs skill  to deploy the technique successfully.

Much of the discussion of giving feedback is in the context of staff workplace development.  The models offered tend to look at aggregate behaviour over time and are directed at future development over time.  In aviation, we are concerned with immediate behaviour change.  We are looking at what you just did and what you need to think about the next time you go flying.  The EBT approach also assumes that performance deficiencies will be diagnosed and remedied.  The goal is to bring about change in the short term.


11.6  ‘Safety II’ meets Elite Team Sports

Eric Hollnagel makes the point that success and failure can flow from the same performance.  Another concept, that of non-ergodicity, suggests that, in simple terms, things never happen the same way twice.  The implication of these two positions - Hollnagel and non-ergodicity - is that process and outcome are independent of one another. The same process on a different day might have a very different end result.  Therefore, the debrief of a performance needs to separate the outcome from the process. That is where elite team sports come in.

In aviation, the work process can be broken down into sequences of actions that have a start point and a goal.  The goal might be the completion of a procedure, say, or it might simply be arriving at a point where the next sequence of actions can start.  For example, the end of the cruise segment is not the notional Top of Descent, it is the point at which the aircraft and crew are ready to commence the descent segment.  In a team sport, the ‘game’ can be broken down into equivalent sequences.  By definition they will be more variable than a flight profile.  But there will be start and end points.  In each sequence, the individual will have a role to play. They might be in direct contact with activity by being active (in possession, being next to play), by being in a supporting role or by being ready to respond to the opposition’s play.  Game play, then, is analogous to procedural activity.  The question now becomes ‘what were you doing in fulfilment of your role? Did it work (if you were active)? Was it optimal (if you were in support)? Were you effectively isolated (unable to fulfil your role)?  The actual outcome (scored a point or lost possession) is irrelevant.

In terms of the debrief, what we now want to know is, given the task goal active at that moment, what did you do? what alternative courses of action were available? why did you chose that particular course of action? Given the outcome - good or bad doesn’t matter - is there anything you might change next time?

But this isn’t where the learning occurs.  What we really want to know is what cues were the student using to guide the choice of actions?  What counter signs were there that might have caused doubt?  This is where the facilitator starts to get involved.  By directing the trainees attention to the signs that things were working and, conversely, to the contra-indications, we reinforce the good performance while fine tuning the sensitivity of the trainee to signals that suggest that activity needs to be modified.


11.7  Diagnosis, Debriefing and Facilitation

If we now come back to the structure and purpose of the debrief, we are presented with the same challenge as we faced with the ‘sandwich’ model: optimising the use of time.  For elite athletes, time spent analysing performance is actually part of the job.  More time is spent in analysis than is probably consumed by the event itself. A key lesson from this is that elite athletes are taught to ‘own’ their debrief: if nothing else, it’s the way to make sure you stay in the training group.  Pilot debriefs are not designed to optimise learning.  The time available is set by the programme, by the trainers’ contract (credit hours) or even by the time of the transport home at the end of the day.  Debriefing for learning, then, might require a culture change in aviation.

That apart, we can start to map out what the structure might look like.  In common with the ‘sandwich’ model, we need to have an understanding of how the trainee viewed events.  A self-aware, perceptive trainee could probably run their own debrief.  But there will be occasions where the trainee’s view is at odds with that of the trainer.  The size of the gap between the trainee’s and the trainer’s perceptions will influence how the debrief will need to be managed.

A common template for the debrief might be, first, to identify elements of the performance (acts attributable to the trainee)) that had some meaningful significance in relation to the overall exercise.   We start the debrief, then, with behaviour that repeatedly contributed to maintaining the overall standard.  By getting the trainee to analyse their performance in terms of goals, cues and options, and then linking to the successful outcome, we are reinforcing the behaviours that work but, also, further developing the trainees sensitivity to the operating environment.  It would be helpful if there were discernible differences in context for some of the episodes so that we can explore the trainees ability to adapt to circumstances while maintaining a consistent output.  The point here is that we want to look at consistent, repeated but replicable interventions.

Of course, we also need to address performance that suggested that control was fragile.  For most refresher training events, we might be looking at just singular episodes that are of concern.  The trainer must, first, be able to diagnose what was wrong with the performance or why the outcome was not optimal.  We also need to identify other segments of the profile where the trainee’s performance required similar inputs but the outcome was adequate.  We now get the trainee to compare and contrast the segments of the profile leading up to the outcome.  We need the trainee to be able to identify what change would have been required to maintain an acceptable performance and why that might have worked, under the circumstances.  Importantly, we want them to identify the cues present in the aberrant segment that should have triggered a modified intervention.

The debrief ends conventionally with the trainee reviewing the lessons learnt and establishing future performance goals.  The process can be mapped thus:


Establish Trainee’s Perspective

Reinforce positive contributors (plans, cues, actions, outcomes)

Address development needs (plans, cues, context variables, alternative actions)



11.8  Instructor Concordance Assurance

Imagine, for a moment, a class of students for which we have details of their ages and their gender.  Age is a form of parametric data. Technically, it is ratio data in that it starts at zero and the increments are of equal size.  Someone who is 4 years old is twice the age of someone who is 2.  I can calculate the average age of my class.  I can look at the standard deviation to consider the spread of ages.  Gender, though, is different.  For simplicity’s sake, I can say that there are just 2 genders and the class will fall into one or the other.  My data is non-parametric.  It is an example of what we call categorical data.  I can describe a specific gender as a % of the class, or as a ratio of males to females, say.  But I cannot calculate an ‘average gender’.  The assessment markers and the grade scale are examples of categorical data.

EBT requires the natural variability seen in any subjective assessment system to be controlled. They have called this the Instructor Concordance Assurance Programme or ICAP.  Concepts around inter-rater reliability, agreement and variability already exist but the terms are often used interchangeably in the research literature and do not have agreed definitions.  So EASA has invented a single label: concordance.  To illustrate the problem, consider this set of data:

                Student                A             B             C             D             E              F             G            H             I              J

                Trainer A             4             4             2             2             1              1             4             4             3             4

                Trainer B              4             4             2             4             2              1             2             2             2             4

The table shows the scores awarded during a trial to examine the benefits of using a simulator profile in airline recruitment.  The trial subjects were newly-graduated students from a flight school with no previous airline experience.  Each subject flew the profile twice and, to control for learning effect, each trainer saw half the candidates on their first attempt and half on their second.  The trainers were simply asked to observe the candidate and then answer this question:

On the basis of the observed performance the candidate is capable of passing the initial Type Rating

Inter-rater Reliability (IRR) relates to the extent to which 2 observers looking at the same item or event will assign it to the same category.  In this case, my items are the trial subjects and the categories are the trainer’s opinions about likelihood of success.  The simplest way to calculate IRR is to see how many times the trainers assigned subjects to the same category.  In our case, it happened on 4 occasions (subjects A, B, F and J).  An IRR score of 40% (or 0.4) would be unacceptable.  But we have another problem.  What is the possibility that the trainers assigned the same score purely by chance?

In EBT assessments, the evidence collected is assigned to categories represented by the markers. One component of a lack of ‘concordance’ is the error induced by poor marker design.  Ordinarily, this would be minimised by prototyping and field testing.  There is no evidence of the ICAO/EASA competence framework or the EASA grade scales having been subject to field testing and no concordance data has been published.

Assessment is a 2 stage process.   Having assigned behaviours to markers we then grade the performance, another act of categorisation.  If we look at the scores for subjects E and possibly I the trainers are roughly in agreement about the probability of success.  For D, G and H, however, they split either way.  So, which trainer is correct?  We need a method for calculating the degree of accuracy of grading.  One way to do this is to compare the scores of assessors in training with a ‘Gold Standard’ benchmark, usually agreed by management pilots or senior trainers.

A common misunderstanding in assessment is that grades are not equally-sized categories.  First a single grade of ‘1’ on any marker is a fail.  Imagine that the student got 5s for the remaining 8 competencies, if this was actually parametric (interval) data, the average score would be 4.55.  But that cannot happen.  It is still a fail.  However, if the candidate got, say 3x3s, 3x4s and 3x5s, it could be argued that the average grade was 4?  Unfortunately, because the categories on the grade scale are, as the name implies, categories, we have no idea of their extent nor the distance between them (think ‘buckets’, not ‘rulers’).

When we assign a grade, the number assigned represents several bits of information.  First, how much evidence was collected to underpin the score? Second, how accurately was the evidence assigned to a marker? Third, how accurately have I put a value to the performance?  Finally, how much ‘measurement error’ can be attributed to the competencies and the grading system?  Recognising the scale of the problem, what can I do to assure concordance?




This picture illustrates a classic IRR problem.  What is the probability that 2 radiographers looking at the same scan will assign a tumour to the correct category: benign or malignant?  Getting this wrong would have serious implications for the patient.  Most of the statistical tests developed to resolve problems like this were formulated to cope with these rather limited situations: 2 observers making yes/no decisions.  We need something that can cope with multiple observers looking at 1 or 2 subjects and assessing their performance against up to 9 categories.  One such test is the Rwg.  You can get a calculator here:


By convention, a score of .8 on the Rwg shows acceptable IRR.






















To illustrate the scale of the problem, this table shows the % distribution of scores awarded on a series of assessor training workshops.  All the candidates watched the same video.





It is probably advisable to calculate the Rwg statistic for the grading exercises, once we have started to achieve an acceptable level of agreement.  Importantly, the statistics for the final standardisation exercise should be retained as part of the ICAP validation process.  Rwg should also be calculated after any periodic recalibration activity.

So far we have only looked at the degree of consistency between assessors.  It could be argued that this is enough.  Provided our cadre of instructors are consistent the data they collect will have some value.  However, it might simply mean that they are all consistently wrong.  They might be marking too harshly or to generously. Now we need to look at their accuracy of grading.  To do this we need to construct a ‘Gold Standard’.  Strange to believe but management pilots and senior trainers are often no more aligned in their views than their line trainer colleagues.  Here is some ‘live’ data from an attempt to construct a ‘Gold Standard’ using management pilots as the expert judges.


Expert                                                  A             B             C             D             E             F             G

Communications                             2             3             3             4              4             4             4

Systems Management                  n/o        4             4             3              2             3             4

(n/o = ‘not observed’)

To construct a standard, the expert group would need to reach a consensus and we can now use this to check against the scores awarded by the trainee group.  This will produce a set of data for those that agree with the benchmark and those that differ.  As well as a rate for differences, we will will have data about the extent of spread.  The question we now face is how much variation is tolerable?  We still have the problem of ‘measurement error’ and the effects of chance in assessment.  Should we simply keep training until all assessors meet the gold standard?  This now becomes a cost/benefit problem.  Consider this set of trial grading data:

Competencies:    A          B             C             D             E             F              G            H             I

Gold standard:    3           4             4             3             5             3             2             4             4

Trainee 1:            3            4             4             4             4             3              3             3             4

Trainee 2:            3            4             4             3             4             3              4             3             4

Trainee 3:            3            3             3             3             3             4              3             4             3


A simple way to calculate the accuracy of grading is to look at the Mean Average Difference (MAD) between the gold standard and the scores awarded.  If we then divided by the maximum divergence (scale intervals -1) we can standardise the score and derive a value between 0 and 1.  By then subtracting from 1 we can make the scale more intuitive in that the closer to 1 the more accurate the scoring.


Competencies:    A          B             C             D             E             F              G            H             I             

Gold standard:    3           4             4             3             5             3             2             4             4

Trainee 1:            3(0)      4(0)        4(0)        4(1)        4(1)        3(0)        3(1)        3(1)        4(0)       

Trainee 2:            3(0)      4(0)        4(0)        3(0)        4(1)        3(0)        4(2)        3(1)        4(0)       

Trainee 3:            3(0)      3(1)        3(1)        3(0)        3(2)        4(1)        3(1)        4(0)        3(1)                       MAD                       0                0             .33          .33          1.33       .33          1.33       .66          .33

SMAD                     0           .08          .08          .08          .33          .08          .33          .16          .08                         1- SMAD                1                .92          .92          .92          .66          .92          .66          .84          .92                                        

We need to consider a cut-off value to decide if the degree of accuracy in scoring is acceptable in that to achieve perfect congruence will probably be impossible in the time available for training Here is the SMAD calculated using actual scores from 45 simulator instructors grading a video exercise for which a gold standard had been agreed:


                                                               1-SMAD               +1           +2           -1

Application of Procedures           .88                         6             0              16

Task Management                         .79                         32           2              1


For Task Management only 18% of instructors agreed with the gold standard whereas for Application of Procedures it was 52%..  The table also shows the spread of score, with Task Management being most heavily skewed.  It seems that a cut-off value of .85 on this statistic ought to indicate an acceptable level of grading accuracy.  If we go back to the trial data, it seems that competences E and G are not being accurately graded.  If we repeat the calculation by rows we are now looking at individual instructors.  Whereas Trainees 1 and 2 are grading satisfactorily, Trainee 3 has a MAD score of .806, which suggests a borderline performance.

The use of Mean Average Difference, which fairly crude, still provides useful information that, if nothing else, will signal potential problems with the grading of specific markers and the performance of individual assessors.  MAD should be used during training.  The important point here is that all assessors are looking at the same performance.  Also, they can be compared against an agreed benchmark if you have a gold standard.  These conditions can only be achieved in a training situation.

Once we have rolled out the assessment system, the ICAP  will need to track the performance of the assessor group in order to detect drift and any emergence of outliers.  We now need a different type of statistical test to assure that the system is operating consistently.  In the training context we are looking at situations where 2 or more assessors  are looking at the same candidate.  In the real world we have to be able to handle data from many trainers doing multiple assessments on different candidates.  A useful test would be Gwet’s AC2.  We are still dealing with categorical data but the test needs to be able to handle missing data as ‘not observed’ (and, thus, ‘missing’) is a legitimate response.  At the end of each EBT cycle, data should be examined for consistency.

To sum up, Inter-rater reliability and accuracy of grading should be measured at the end of initial training and during periodic recalibration.  Routine monitoring of assessor performance is required at the end of each EBT phase.  Finally, I just want to add a comment about the VENN model recommended for use in assessment.  The process actually requires 3 acts of categorisation: how many, how often and TEM outcomes.  If we are to meet the requirements of the ICAP, each stage must be tested for IRR.  This would give us 3 statistics.  Even if we got an Rwg of .8 at each stage, that would an aggregate outcome of .512 (.8 x .8 x .8) for the whole process.  This degree of variability is unacceptable.

In statistics, Inter-rater Reliability (IRR), Agreement (IRA) and Variability are often used interchangeably.  IRR is more often associated with assigning an observation to a category while IRA and Variability are associated with the act of assigning a value to a performance. The EASA RMG has introduced the single term ‘concordance’, party because of the problem of finding  a terms that translates easily into different languages.

The requirement to assure concordance places 2 duties on an operator.  First, we need to be able to demonstrate how we have reduced opportunities for error in assignment of performance to a category.  Then we need to show how we have reduced inaccuracies in grading to a minimum.  In both cases, action is required at the design stage, during training and in subsequent operational monitoring of the performance of the assessment scheme. 

Where an operator adopts an assessment framework developed by a third party, the requirement to satisfy the requirements of concordance are not removed.  Careful design and testing of markers and grade scales is required prior to launching into the training system.

Effective training has been shown to harmonise assessors’ views.  The programme outlined in  9.3 above is designed to achieve standardisation.  One method we can also consider is using a ‘gold standard’ to check for IRA in grading.   A ‘gold standard’ involves getting a team of staff pilots or senior check pilots to observe a performance and agree the standard.  The video is then used in assessor training and the scores of the group are compared against the ‘gold standard’.  It is remarkably difficult to arrive at complete agreement on grading, even when using senior pilots.  Annex D contains the output from a ‘gold standard’ exercise for illustration. We need to remember that the ‘gold standard’ only applies in relation to the performance used to construct that standard.  We cannot construct a ‘universal gold standard’.  The primary goal of the grading system must be to separate those in need of significant remediation or withdrawal from operations from those whose performance is acceptable.

Assessor performance is not stable across time and so we need a system for routine checking of scores awarded by the assessor cadre.  The problem we now have is that the data cannot be tested using the methods we have used previously.  The data set now comprises 2 sub-sets: different subjects assessed by more than one assessor and each assessor grading multiple subjects.  Instructor re-calibration events, held at least annually, will ensure that concordance remains within bounds.


11.9  Calibrating the Grading System (AMC1/GM2 ORO.FC.231(d)(2))

The EBT guidance proposes that the grading system be assessed for accuracy once every 3 years.  In order to do this a sample of pilots will complete a profile comprising a set of manoeuvres contained in Part-FCL Appendix 9.  The minimum set is:

    rejected take-off,

    failure of critical engine between V1 & V2,

    adherence to departure and arrival,

    3D approaches down to a decision height (DH) not less than 60 m (200 ft),

    engine-out approach & go-around,

    2D approach down to the MDH/A,

    engine-out approach & go-around,

    engine-out landing


The profile is assessed against Appendix 9 standards. This exercise will create a benchmark of performance against the competencies PRO and FPM.  The rate of grade 1 scores against these markers in the validation exercise can then be compared with the rate found across the   3 year programme.  Any significant difference should be investigated.

Calibration of the grade scale assumes that the Appendix 9 manoeuvres are an acceptable reference against which to compare the broader assessment process.  It attempts to limit drift in assessor performance, which might reflect a hardening or softening of attitudes.  While the approach is plausible, it still assumes that the assessment is conducted in accordance with the rules and that the performance observed meets the requirement of validity.


11.10  Conclusion

The nature of the work of line trainers and check pilots needs to be reflected in the training given.  Because of the need for reliable data as part of assessing the effectiveness of training, increased emphasis must be placed on standardisation and calibration.  Statistical methods are available.



11.11  Annex A

Suggested Instructor Training Objectives[3]

1.0 Fulfil Instructor/Examiner Roles

2.0 Manage Instructional Events

3.0 Deliver Instruction

4.0 Conduct Assessment



1.1 Fulfil Instructor Duties, Functions And Responsibilities

1.1.1 Maintains instructor standards

1.1.2 Applies company training policies and procedures Reviews changes to aircraft specific reference materials Attends scheduled company and Authority standardisation meetings Reviews new, revised, and existing training and information materials

1.1.3 Applies airline safety policies and procedures

1.2 Maintains Professional Qualification

1.2.1 Maintains professional qualifications for assigned aircraft

1.2.2 Satisfies recency of experience and training requirements for assigned aircraft

1.2.3 Attends appropriate training courses

1.2.4 Maintains applicable special qualifications

1.2.5 Maintains applicable special instructor technical qualifications

1.2.6 Undergoes recurrent checks as required

1.3 Develops Facilitation Techniques/Skills

1.3.1 Applies effective principles of facilitation Apply principles of adult learning to training events Adapts methods of delivery to training situation Adapts pace of delivery to student’s needs

1.3.2 Develops a positive instructor/student relationship Develops student motivation toward learning Manages barriers to effective learning

1.3.3 Applies effective use of training aids to enhance the learning environment Classroom media Computer-based Training and multimedia Training devices/aircraft

1.4 Develop Student Assessment Techniques/Skills

1.4.1 Student performance analysis Analyse student performance Identify causes of shortfall in performance Determine course of action for deficiencies

1.4.2 Conduct effective assessment Identify characteristics of different assessment situations Demonstrate knowledge of the acceptable performance tolerances Demonstrate knowledge of grading scale criteria Assess student performance in different assessment situations Conduct an LOE

1.5 Integrates Human Factors (HF)/Cockpit Resource Management (CRM)

1.5.1 Demonstrate the application of crew performance markers in training

1.5.2 Apply the principles of CRM in all activities

1.6 Integrate ATQP Principles

1.6.1 Demonstrate knowledge of JARs and supporting explanatory material applicable to ATQP

1.6.2 Demonstrate knowledge of the ATQP development process and qualification standards

1.6.3 Exploit Task Analysis outputs in training management

1.6.3 Participates in training quality management process

1.6.4 Conduct a LOQE

1.7 Fulfil Examiner Duties, Functions and Responsibilities



2.1 Checks Training Schedule And Lesson Plans

2.1.1 Determine training events

2.1.2 Identify students

2.1.3 Identify specific training device

2.1.4 Verifies lesson plans are available for scheduled lesson

2.1.5 Reviews lesson plans

2.1.6 Prepares lesson plans

2.2 Collect Required Materials

2.2.1 Obtain training materials

2.2.2 Determine testing materials availability

2.2.3 Determine training aid availability

2.3 Review Training Materials

2.3.1 Confirm accuracy modify as necessary

2.3.2 Tailors instruction and/or facilitation techniques to meet pilot needs Relates new tasks to those previously learned Relates new tasks to common experience levels and backgrounds

2.3.3 Enhance training materials with supplemental information

2.4 Set Up Training Facility For Instruction

2.4.1 Configure furniture and teaching aids

2.4.2 Ensure that instructional materials are available and usable

2.4.3 Evaluate environmental conditions

2.5 Operate Classroom Equipment

2.6 Operate Computer-based and/or Multimedia Equipment

2.7 Operate Part-task Trainers

2.8 Operate Fixed-base Trainer

2.9 Operate Full Flight Simulator

2.10 Operate Aircraft

2.11 Configure Scenario-based Training (LOFT/LOE)

2.11.1 Select scenario within current training phase

2.11.2 Configure trainer for the start of the lesson

2.11.3 Operate trainer in accordance with the lesson plan

2.12 Record Training Event

2.12.1 Complete required documentation

2.12.1 Complete training tracking documentation

2.12.1 Complete event evaluation forms accurately

2.12.1 Complete forms for rating or approval

2.12.1 Document unsatisfactory pilot performance or required remediation

2.12.2 Notify programmers of need for additional training

2.12.3 Notify Standards of need for additional training

2.13 Complete end-of-course summary reports

2.13.1 Complete report on effectiveness of training devices, if required

2.13.2 Complete report for end of courseware revisions and changes, if required

2.14 Report Hardware Problems

2.14.1 Record equipment and courseware discrepancies

2,14.1.1 Note equipment problems in maintenance log

2.14.2 Notify Training Department of courseware problems


3.1 Conducts Training

3.1.1 Delivers Type Rating Training

3.1.2 Delivers Aircraft Recurrent Training

3.1.3 Delivers Specialist Training

3.2 Conduct a classroom training event

3.2.1 Utilise effective presentation skills to accomplish lesson objectives

3.2.2 Utilise effective facilitation skills to accomplish lesson objectives

3.2.3 Use communication skills appropriate for subject matter content and delivery

3.2.4 Ask questions based on the objectives to determine the level of comprehension

3.2.5 Provide performance-based feedback and analysis to improve learning

3.2.6 Evaluate the successful completion of objectives at the end of the module

3.2.7 Exhibit knowledge of subject matter content

3.2.8 Demonstrate knowledge of academic training methodologies


3.3 Brief Practical Training Event

3.3.1 Conduct pre-brief Explain objectives for the session Describe the specific performance items that will be trained Describe the performance standards Describe time constraints and the time compressible events Address crew members questions and concerns Address safety aspects of training event

3.4 Conduct Practical Training Event

3.4.1 Conduct Briefing Follow briefing guide Brief the objectives, scenario and standards Brief CRM skill/objectives

3.4.2 Conduct scenario Adhere to lesson plans, and instructor handbook Adhere to the scenario script Act as a facilitator while fulfilling other roles Evaluate CRM performance Evaluate adherence to company operating procedures and standards

3.4.3 Terminate event

3.5 Debrief Practical Event

3.5.1 Review crew members’ performance against lesson objectives

3.5.2 Establish the standard of performance

3.5.3 Utilise effective facilitation skills and techniques to elicit trainee analysis of performance

and methods of improvement

3.5.3 Debrief compliance/noncompliance with company priorities, policies, and procedures

3.5.4 Review successes and identify a strategy for improvement implementation

3.5.5 Evaluate CRM performance citing specific examples

3.5.8 Apply procedure and manoeuvre standards

3.5.9 Apply grading scale criteria

3.6 Coordinate remediation procedures

3.6.1 Discuss performance shortcomings and remediation steps fully with trainee



4.1 Conducts Assessment In a Training Context

4.1.1 Apply assessment criteria

4.1.2 Adheres to assessment guidelines

4.1.3 Evaluates competency of motor skill required for accomplishment of task

4.1.4 Evaluates performance of abnormal and emergency procedures

4.1.5 Evaluates CRM performance

4.1.6 Demonstrates knowledge of qualification standards

4.1.7 Applies grading scale criteria

4.1.8 Demonstrates ability to accomplish data collection requirements

4.1.9 Debrief performance

4.1.10 Record performance

4.2 Conducts Assessment in a Testing Context (LOE /OPC/LC)

4.2.1 Apply assessment criteria Adheres to assessment guidelines Assess technical skills Assess CRM skills

4.2.2 Demonstrates knowledge of qualifications standards

4.2 2.1 Apply grading scale criteria Demonstrates ability to accomplish data collection requirements

4.2.3 Verify level of performance against pass criteria

4.2.4 Debrief performance

4.2.5 Record assessment

4.2.6 Apply scenario-based assessment process

4.3 Conduct a LOQE

4.3.1 Extract LOQE task

4.3.2 Brief crew on LOQE process

4.3.3 Compile LOQE paperwork

4.3.4 Submit LOQE paperwork


11.12  Annex B


Policy for the Administration of Trainers


A.   Instructor Training

Responsible Person

Description of training scheme


Course Evaluation Process

[Results of evaluation supplied to SC holder]


B. Arrangements for third-party providers

Evidence of compliance with company standards supplied to SC holder


[Results of evaluation supplied to SC holder]


C. Instructor Standardisation

Responsible Person


Validation of Methodology

[Results of Standardisation provided to SC holder]


D. Remediation

Procedures for handling non-compliant instructor

Procedure for validation and renewal


Annex C to Chapter 9


Assessing Training Captains

Work Contexts:

Classroom delivering workshops

Simulator conducting checks

Simulator delivering training

Aircraft conducting checks

Aircraft delivering training


Evaluation requirements:

Core attributes:

Knowledgeable (about topic and about operating techniques; standardised and operates to standards)

Enthusiastic (attitudinal goal; supports the intent of the training event (does not undermine training))

Manages event well (includes effective briefing of the activity; understands the activity)


Additional requirements;

Appropriate intervention (allows trainee to learn by mistakes; doesn’t intervene too early in order to prevent error; does not allow unsafe state to develop by intervening too late or by abrogating responsibility to trainee)

Accurate fault analysis (can work out why something happened not just identify what went wrong)

Effective debriefing (trainee understands weaknesses and knows how to remediate)

Accurate reporting (grades reflect performance, narrative supports grade)

Professional management of training (no errors in paperwork; understands  requirements for training and testing)


Annex D to Chapter 9 - Constructing the Gold Standard.

Scores and supporting evidence from a group of management pilots who observed the same video.






RT- read back 07R when ATC mentioned 07L, however the error was detected and then corrected.


Wrong TWR freq was read back but not picked up by ATC.



Clarified PM’s understanding of ATC requirements, AMOTT crossing height, Runway in use.



Lack of assertiveness in descent (Mods, RWY in use)

No concern with SW 160/15 (on FO limits)



Effective working relationship.



Good job of prompting F/O over missed/misunderstood ATC instructions & compliance.



Strong oversight of the operation observed. Clarified and confirmed when FO did not initiate action, state or otherwise recognize the following items:

Briefing – Diversion Fuel

MCP - Amott restriction 250/F120

ATC - Runway Change



Addressed FO’s errors, good prompting




Inconsistent performance with observed lapses that required supervision and prompting from CN to ensure compliance.



Talked to charts not Captain during briefing

ATC speed and altitude requirement at AMOTT not acted upon till prompted (active Listening)

Did not detect RWY change in ATC communication



Lacked clarity



Generally closer compliance with FCOM 3/FCTM guidance, and closer attention to ATC instructions would be beneficial for command course preparation. 



No comms prior to disconnecting AP



Briefing was dis-jointed and the Alternate fuel was omitted until prompted by PM.



Most points covered but sometimes needed clarification

Briefings not in logical sequence











Should have intervened with an incorrect MCP ALT setting by F/O.






Incorrect Flap configuration protocol.



Loaded 250/12000 into FMC

Efficiently completed Runway change in FMC, Methodical



Appropriate programming of FMC



No comment



Not observed



C = Communication

SM = Systems Management



Chapter 10


Line Checks and LOSA


10.1 Introduction


In EBT-speak, the old Operators Annual Line Check is now the Line Evaluation of Competence (LEC).  GM1 ORO.FC.231(c) states that ‘data from the line evaluation of competence is important to measure the effectiveness of the EBT programme in operations.’ GM1 ORO.FC.231(h) elaborates on this idea:

(b) The LEC is considered a particularly important factor in the development, maintenance and refinement of high operating standards, and can provide the operator with a valuable indication of the usefulness of its training policy and methods.


AMC1 ORO.FC.231(h) states that:

The purpose of the LEC is to verify the capability of the flight crew member(s) to undertake line operations, including preflight and post-flight activities as specified in the operations manual. Therefore, the LEC should be performed in the aircraft. The route should be representative of typical sectors undertaken in normal operations’


So far, so good and, in line with current practice, a Line Evaluator need not be an EBT Instructor. 


It is probably fair to say that Line Checks (LC) are not highly regarded nor are they necessarily considered to be the best use of time and money.  I once heard a speaker from a US major airline say that an LC cost the company US$1000 per pilot for which they got little return, other than to satisfy the regulatory requirement.  In his opinion, conducting LOSA offered a better return.  In fact, LOSA is often contrasted with an LC in order to demonstrate its benefits.  An LC is the archetypical example of what is known as ‘Observer Effect’.  In any testing or observational setting, the mere presence of an observer affects the behaviour of those being observed.  LOSA describes LCs as eliciting ‘Angel’ performance rather than behaviour representative of normal line operations.  And that is very true.  In fact, this is just one of many problems that degrades the LC as  measure of anything.  Because LOSA is considered unintrusive and non-jeopardy, the view is that the data collected is more ‘naturalistic’.


If we go back to the references above, the LEC is ‘particularly important’, should be performed in an aircraft, on a representative sector and include pre- and post-flight activities.  Given it’s importance, AMC1 ORO.FC.231(h)(3) then allows for the interval between evaluations to be increased to:


(a) 2 years. In every cycle, one EVAL for each pilot should be conducted by an EBT instructor (EBT instructors) who has (have) a valid line evaluation of competence in the same operator;


The existing EASA ATQP and FAA AQP regulations both make provision for increasing the intervals between LCs.  In fact, I know of one major airline that planned to adopt ATQP simply to cut the number of LCs but without meeting any of the other requirements.  EBT, therefore, simply continues the tradition of trying to reduce the burden of regulatory compliance.

The problem I see with this easement is that, apart from the fact that does not meet the spirit of the AMC, which is how to fulfil an important obligation, it starts to change the nature of the EVAL phase.  There is an implicit assumption that airlines will take up the offer of an extension in GM1 ORO.FC.231(h)(4), which suggests that opportunities to use non-EBT Instructor line evaluators may be limited due to the limited number of LECs that are required (every 2 or 3 years), the difficulties in observing the whole range of performance of competencies and the lack of control of the environment during a line evaluation of competence (note: these latter 2 reasons are general criticisms of LCs). Therefore, the operator may need to use EBT instructors to maintain an acceptable level of standardisation.


It gets more interesting when we consider that it is possible to extend the validity of the LEC to 3 years if, in addition to conducting the EVAL with an EBT Instructor, the operator has a feedback process for monitoring line operations which:


(1) identifies threats in the airline’s operating environment;

(2) identifies threats within the airline’s operations;

(3) assesses the degree of transference of training to the line operations;

(4) checks the quality and usability of procedures;

(5) identifies design problems in the human-machine interface;

(6) understands pilots’ shortcuts and workarounds; and

(7) assesses safety margins.


This is an interesting list.  Items (1) and (2), while they might be captured in an SMS Hazard Log, are worded in LOSA terminology.  Item (3) is a type of training evaluation activity (see Dummies Guide 9).  Item (4) looks like something a Standards team might address while item (5) ought to be the domain of the manufacturer.  Item (6) shades into identifying areas of non-compliance while item (7) looks a bit like tracking Undesired Aircraft States.  So, in summary, if you tweak your SMS and implement LOSA you can go to 3-yearly LECs.  Is this a good thing?


Before I answer that question, I want to go back to the airline that wanted to use ATQP simply to cut the number of LCs it did each year.  Quite by chance I met the Flight Ops Inspector to whom the request had been made.  Of course, he asked why they wanted to cut and the response was much as you’d expect.  They don’t give us anything useful.  So, he turned the problem around.  He suggested that, rather than sitting passively and wait for things to happen, LCs be turned into active data gathering opportunities.  What aspects of performance can you expect all pilots to demonstrate on every LC?  How much of that is significant in terms of assessing the conduct of operations?  Step 1 was to turn LCs into standardised, active data gathering events.  He then asked what other aspects of normal line operation might be significant but not routinely seen on an LC?  This could form the basis of a LOFT scenario.  He then suggested that the pilots be assigned to 2 groups.  One group would do the targeted observation LC supported by the purpose built LOFT while the other group just did a standard LC.  After one annual cycle, a trial group of pilots would do the targeted LC with a 2 year interval together with the annual LOFT.  If the quality of the data captured remained the same, then all pilots could switch across.  I don’t think the airline was happy.

There are 3 key lessons to take from this story.  The first is to recognise that assessment events are data sampling opportunities but all will have drawbacks. The second is the importance of taking an active, engineered approach to data collection.  The third is to recognise that change must be managed in accordance with a safety case or safety risk assessment.  Which probably raises a concern about the wisdom of substituting an LC with an EVAL, even if conducted by an EBT Instructor, without a risk assessment first.


So, what sort of normal operations sampling regime might we develop?  The first thing we need to remember is that, although I have been talking about ‘data sampling opportunities’ the LC and LEC are both qualifications and we still need to be able to sign off pilots as fit for purpose.  This is a complication because, although LOSA is probably a better data collection vehicle, it has historically been conducted in a de-identified manner.  data is aggregated to give a general overview of fleet or airline performance.  LOSA does not support the need to sign off individuals.


Another problem with a conventional LOSA  is that it is unwieldy, time consuming and quite intrusive.  The delay in processing the data and generating findings induces a lag.  As one airline speaker commented at a LOSA conference that, by the time you get the report, the problem you identified has gone away and new problems are emerging.  Airlines are never static.  So, we need something that is nimble and generates feedback in a timely manner.  We need LOSA-lite.


Pulling the emerging threads together we can start to map out a cost/effective process that meets the needs of accrediting line pilots, tracks existing and emerging threats in a timely manner, monitors the conduct of normal operations and is sensitive to the safety status of the operation.  The process builds on existing capability within the EBT framework.

The first component is the LEC.  The objective of the LEC is to verify that the pilot under observation performs within the normal operations framework.  In order to avoid mission creep, the Line Evaluator should, first, verify compliance and, then, collect data determined by an analysis of probability of data observation and its significance in terms of operational success.  In terms of the Competencies, the scope of the Line Check should be constrained.  Only those competencies that supported the core of the operation should be assessed.  PRO, COM, FPA, FPM and LTW are primary candidates.  The implication of that last statement is that all check pilots should be trained in the use of markers.  Interestingly, when the UK CAA introduced CRM assessment using NOTECHs, one FOI said to me that the Authority saw the fact that Line Checkers would now receive some training for their role would be a good thing.  Line Check Pilots were typically company appointments not needing a qualification.  A question that does need to be answered relates to performance drift.  Without periodic recalibration, how quickly does performance on the line start to depart from the prescribed processes?  How quickly to short-cuts and non-standard techniques emerge?  Will periodic visits to a simulator be sufficient to maintain compliance, give that the simulator asset is really being targeted at a different requirement?


The EVAL module forms the next element of the process.  The EVAL is a LOFT scenario that is supposed to run in real time and starts at ‘pre-flight’.  The guidance proposes that the scenario does not  present any unanticipated malfunctions.  We do need to consider the cost/benefit of using the simulator to capture ‘normal’ performance.  Furthermore, the purpose of the EVAL phase is to identify any need for skill remediation, reinforcement, consolidation and development.  This rather suggests that performance needs to be probed in order to identify any weaknesses.  Simple rehearsal of normal operations would probably not extend individuals sufficiently nor diagnose any issues a pilot might have.  The EVAL should present enough of a challenge to separate those with robust skills from those in need of support.  Again, we have a risk of mission creep. 


Both ATQP and AQP include an element that is similar to the EVAL phase but serves a different purpose.  Under ATQP, the Line Operations Simulation was a standardised LOFT scenario that was used to generate a de-identified fleet-wide performance benchmark.  The AQP ‘First Look’ is, similarly, a standardised scenario delivered in the simulator used to determine the extent to which safety critical skills may have decayed since previous training and/or checking, and will also provide a baseline for assessing degree of improvement attributable to subsequent training.  Interestingly, this last function reflects the idea of training transfer.  Unlike LOE and ‘First Look’, which are de-identified and offer a fleet-wide snapshot, the EVAL phase is deliberately intended to be diagnostic.  It relates to the individual.  The EBT EVAL module, if properly designed, offers an opportunity to observe the competencies of PSD, WLM, LTW under normal circumstances.


The final part of the jigsaw puzzle is what I called earlier LOSA-lite.  Interestingly, ATQP talks of LOQE, which is LOSA by a different name.  I have seen 2 full-scale LOSAs conducted in an airline.  The first was based on a ‘day-in-the-life’ sampling model - the number of sectors observed is equal to a day’s flying - while the latter was the 50 sectors per fleet recommended in the ICAO LOSA guide.  Neither sampling regime is underpinned by a methodology.  They are pragmatic solutions.  I then introduced a different model.  Instead of once every 4 years we experimented with a rolling programme of annual LOSA events, each one designed to address a specific issue.  The standard LOSA methodology was used but, through trial and error, the optimum sample was identified as 30 sectors with a pool of no less than 5 observers.  We calculated that this approach collected the same number of observations across a 4 year cycle but was less intrusive and also represented a significant cost saving.


The system I have described represents an integrated data capture framework that exploits the strengths of each mode of sampling. the sampling rate is sensitive enough to identify performance drift.  If managed through an SMS or Safety Case, it would allow for modifications to Line Check intervals to provide assurance to the Authority that the certification aspects were being met.


I want to conclude by quickly looking at a couple of initiatives that try to pick up on the fashion for Safety-II.  First, I attended a briefing where data was presented that looked at using the competencies to not only categorise the quality failures picked up by LOSA but also to identify behaviours that ‘saved the day’.  The concept had some merit but the paradoxical finding the ‘SA’ was the most frequent contributor to both failure AND success suggests that the marker has issue with validity.  American Airlines (1) have been looking at using the Safety-II approach through their Learning and Improvement Team initiative.  I must confess that I struggled to understand what they were actually doing until I realised that the project was just a variation on conventional behaviour elicitation.  Using techniques like Flanagan’s Critical Incident method, they have compiled examples of performance that have then been shoe-horned into a framework that maps on to the Safety-II framework.  Ironically, this is the method that should have been used to develop the EBT ‘competencies’.  I illustrate how to do this in (2).  The initial method is the same but the second stage involves using subject matter experts to complete a Card Sort exercise to structure the sample into categories, which can then be used to create performance markers.  In my explanation, the structure emerges from the data.  In the AA application, the data is forced to fit the world.  However, there is a possible philosophical issue that might need to be addressed.  The AA LIT approach is at pains to differentiate itself from LOSA.  LOSA, by design, captures departures from expectation: errors, if you with.  The LIT approach looks at what crew do and takes these acts to be examples of ‘things going right’.  There is an explicit assumption that the observed performance of the crew must contribute to the successful outcome.  However, those causal relationships are post hoc.  That is not to say that classes of behaviour might not be associated with success.  For example, we observed in LOSA data that, while threat rates differed between clusters of ports, error rates were constant.  When we looked at error management, crews operating into high threat ports detected more errors and managed more to an inconsequential outcome than crews operating into the low-threat ports.  All very interesting but did not explain ‘why’? A content analysis of LOSA observer narratives found that crew operating into high threat ports invested 3 times as much effort in simply communicating about the current status of the approach as other crews (e.g. ‘when I was here before ATC did x to us’.  They made twice as many comments about planning and anticipation (e.g. ‘if this happens, you do x and I will do y’).  There seemed to be an association between behaviour and outcomes.  But that still doesn’t mean causation.  There is nothing to suggest that simply getting crews operating to the low-threat ports to talk about different stuff would change the error management rates.  That said, I do think that smart use of LOSA data ought to be able to inform an approach like the LIT, supporting the design of more useful data collection tools.


One final throw away, I wonder how many carriers use their competence framework as an event coding taxonomy in the safety reporting system?  This is not easy to do, but offers another input to the Safety Case.





12   System Safety and Evaluation




A. Line Operational Safety Auditing. ICAO doc 9803




12.1  Introduction


Closed-loop models of training design that use data to verify that the delivered training results in a competent workforce. There are 2 contexts in which we try to measure performance. First, training systems have traditionally used tests to measure student performance. Testing can be further distinguished between confirmation of achievement in training and verification of competence to operate. Second, data can also be collected to measure the effectiveness of the training system as a whole. Under ATQP/EBT we also need to distinguish between data gathered in support of the SC and data used during the routine management of training and operations. Performance measurement, then, is a complex process.


The ATQP/EBT data requirements will be met using both subjective and objective data sources identified primarily through the SC.  ATQP/EBT requires airlines to build specific data collection events in addition to the more traditional performance measurement activities. In Chapter 3 we saw that the SC comprises a set of claims and corroborating data. In this chapter we will review the various sources of corroborating data.  In the next chapter we will look specifically at the design of training events.



12.2  An Overview of Training Evaluation


Monitoring the performance of the training system has been a feature of ISD from the outset. Traditionally, performance is ideally captured at 4 levels:


Level 1 Satisfaction. At this lowest level of measurement the satisfaction of the students is recorded. Commonly known as ‘Happy Sheets’, satisfaction is captured through questions such as ‘the course was interesting’ and ‘the course was useful’. Level 1 performance measurement is probably the most commonly-found evaluation procedure.


Level 2 Achievement. At Level 2 we are attempting to measure to what extent the course has changed student behaviour. The most common form of measure at Level 2 is the written examination or practical test. Tests can be used to assess the effectiveness of learning (i.e. extent to which trainees master the content) and efficiency (i.e. the rate at which students become proficient). Tests in a training context serve to verify progress and confirm that students achieve the graduation standard..


Level 3 Transfer. At Level 3 we are concerned with the extent to which achievement in the learning environment transfers to the workplace. Level 3 events include initial qualification, renewals and periodic checks.


Level 4 Organisational Benefit. Long considered the highest form of training system evaluation, Level 4 procedures attempt to identify any general organisational benefit arising from training. Data captured through occurrence reporting and safety auditing can be seen as Level 4 activity.



12.3  Data Gathering and the SC


The SC verifies the safety of the training system through the use of data. During the design of the SC, various performance indicators will be identified and verified as representing best evidence in support of the SC. The data available for collection is predominantly subjective in that it relies upon observations by assessors or is the product of collection tools.  Furthermore, such is the spread of performance in the operational environment, no single data collection tool can hope to do more than capture a small sample of performance. To increase the robustness of collected data we need to ensure that the process possesses certain characteristics.


The first characteristic is that of validity. For a data point to be valid, it must capture the performance the test is intended to capture. Validity is concerned with the extent to which the performance captured is representative of the actual performance of interest to the organisation. The second characteristic, reliability, is concerned with consistency across time. Any changes in the performance of individuals between 2 sampling events should be the result of the behaviour of the individuals and not an artefact of the testing regime. The third characteristic of assessment is the criterion against which assessment is conducted.


Any testing regime needs to be standardised such that all personnel assessed are measured against a common benchmark. The benchmark will be the qualification standards derived from the TA. Finally, as well as having a common standard of performance, the testing event itself must be standardised. To achieve this, ATQP/EBT requires operators to have processes in place to train and standardise checking and training staff. The testing regime must have:


   A specified structure

   A description of the elements to be tested/examined

   A statement of the targets/standards to be attained

   A description of the specific technical and procedural knowledge and skills and

   behavioural markers to be exhibited


The structure of the testing regime is defined in the regulations and is outlined further below. The remaining 3 points will be derived from the SC, the TA and the supporting curricula.



12.4  The Data-gathering Structure


The minimum set of events used to capture data in support of the SC is as follows:


   OPC (ATQP only)

   First Look









The events listed represent situations in which candidates are checked for continuing  qualification to operate as well as situations in which the SC is corroborated. It is important

to keep the distinctions clear but, at the same time, we should also consider the need to

design each event such that the broadest coverage of the operating environment is



12.5  First Look/LOE

The ‘First Look’ concept is intended to establish a baseline of performance on entry into the recurrent training cycle.  It takes de-identified data and builds a fleet-wide benchmark.  Performance is assessed at the end of the event.  Evaluation at this level is closer to Level 2 in the model described in Section 7.2.


The process for developing the LOE will be driven by the SC and will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 8.  Elements of the TA will be ranked according to frequency and criticality. A skill set that measures high on criticality but low on exposure would be a candidate for LOE. From the SMS Hazard List, a representative set of critical operational contingencies can be developed. The TNA will provide the training objectives to be met. Focus group methods can be used to develop scenarios that have comparative levels of complexity.


For each training phase there will be a need for several scenarios in order to prevent crews anticipating training and adapting their behaviour accordingly. Such behaviour reduces the reliability of the data collected during training. Once the event sets have been developed and

standardised, instructors must then be provided with sufficient information and training in order to ensure the consistent conduct of the LOE phase across all participating instructors.

12.6  EVAL

The EVAL phase is similar to ‘First Look’ in that it establishes an entry standard but differs in that it looks at individuals rather than groups of pilots. The event is used to diagnose training needs that will be remediated in the SBT phase.  Evaluation at this level is closer to Level 2 in the model described in Section 7.2.



12.7  SBT

The SBT is a standardised event designed to evaluate trainee performance and validate trainee proficiency.  The event is conducted in a simulator using realistic operationally based scenarios. It is important to remember that the demands made by the SBT on the crew must remain within normal operational contingencies and reflect representative line operations. The requirements of validity, reliability and consistency apply. The requirements of an SBT are that:


   They are developed in accordance with a methodology

   There is a process for approving event sets

   There is a procedure for conducting the SBT

   There is standardisation of instructors


Performance is assessed at the end of the event.  A failure to deliver an acceptable performance in SBT will result in withdrawal for operations for remedial training.




The ATQP regulations make reference to Line Operation Quality Evaluation, which seems to be a LOSA-like process.  LOSA is described in the Reference.  The EBT regulations make provisions for extensions to the annual Line Check  (LC) if an airline has ‘a feedback system for monitoring line operations (e.g. LOQE/FOQA)’.  Given that the LOSA process is already well-established and is an acceptable methodology we will simply refer to LOSA in the rest of this section.  LOSA differs from FOQA, which uses flight data.  We will discuss the use of flight data in the next section but we should stress that the 2 initiatives are complementary, not a substitute for one another.  LOSA differs from the previous data collection tools because it is essentially a process that captures aspects of routine operations. Its purpose is to evaluate the overall performance of the operation.  As such, it is heavily dependent on conditions on the day and is not a standardised data collection tool in the sense of all candidates being assessed under the same conditions. It dos look at those elements unable to be monitored by FDM. The basic requirements of LOSA under ATQP/EBT are:


   A mechanism for the identification of data to be captured

   A process for approval of the LOSA phase

   Procedures for the conduct of the LOSA

   A procedure for processing the data captured


It is important to remember that LOSA is not a test of the crew and so should not be considered a replacement for the LC.


The SC will be used to establish key performance indicators from the operational environment that can act as corroborating data. An analysis of the available FDM parameters will then identify aspects of the operation not captured in FDM programme but meriting attention. The next step is to develop an audit schedule comprising:


   Events to be monitored

   Standardised codes to capture quality of performance

   Standardised codes to capture causal factors in the event of sub-standard performance

   Observed by appropriately qualified operator personnel


The aim of LOSA is to provide a large sample of data. The number of sectors to be observed will be determined by the sample size necessary for the results to be within the required bounds of confidence set against the number of observers available. The observation process should be non-interventional. The observer simply observes and records. By using a standardised reporting structure, the subsequent data analysis is made simpler. Observers will require training in the use of the observation tools.


12.9  Annual Line Check (LC)

The ATQP regulations make provision for an extension of the interval between annual line checks to 2 years while EBT allows an interval of 3 years if a process like LOSA is in place.  The ‘line evaluation of competence’ is a confirmation of a pilots ability to undertake normal operations.


Because of the problem of ‘observer effect’, where the presence of an observer influences the behaviour of subjects being observed. it is best practice for the line check pilot to use the observer seat wherever possible.


The fundamental philosophy of CBT suggest that the LC should be included in the data gathering process.  This might require a reshaping of the nature of the LC to better collect data that is common across most flights conducted under normal operations.




12.10  Flight Data Monitoring (FDM) and Analysis 

Assessment of performance in the contexts discussed in this chapter represent subjective assessment by observers. Even though assessment will be standardised and will be undertaken against agreed, defined criteria, the process remains subjective. The routine capture of flight data offers an opportunity to continuously monitor aspects of workforce  performance in an objective sense. Therefore, FDM programmes are an important source of SC data. Existing fight data will be used as part of the SC construction to identify areas within the TA that warrant particular attention. Data can be used monitor effectiveness of flight crew training and qualification and justify any changes to training. However, just as event-based training needs to be treated with care, so does the use of flight data.  Despite its objective nature, recorded flight data represents the outcome of the process of aircraft control and management. The thought processes and rationale underpinning the manoeuvring and configuration captured by the data remain obscure.


The use of ‘leading indicators’ can shape the nature of data collection and, increasingly, data visualisation tools will form a part of data analysis.



12.11  Calibration Activity

The problems of observer bias and the need for periodic standardisation and recalibration have already been discussed.  In terms of broader systems safety there is a need for independent benchmarking of assessment standards.  While statistical testing of assigned grades will identify individual assessors whose performance is anomalous, there is a risk of ‘grade inflation’, which means that all assessors are consistently over-marking.  This, the reported performance is not representative of  true competence of the pilot group. The design of the grade scale offers the first opportunity to benchmark.  The lowest interval on the scale is typically defined as ‘unacceptable’.  Because this interval is linked to an agreed regulation or policy, it constitutes ‘criterion-referenced’ assessment.  The award of such a score can be tested for accuracy.  Similarly, the next interval on the scale usually identifies a performance that is in need of remediation.  The accuracy of the analysis can be interrogated and validated.  This interval could be considered ‘quasi-criterion-referenced’ in that the need for an intervention should be apparent to all assessors.  The remaining intervals are norm-referenced in that they require a comparison with the expected performance of the pilot group as a whole.


Where LOSA is used it is possible to use the LOSA observer group as independent auditors.  Provided they have been trained and standardised, LOSA observers can assess performance using markers and the aggregated data can then provide a benchmark against which to compare the aggregated performance of the assessor group.



12.12  Conclusion

ATQP requires operators to collect robust data to validate the SC. As such, every data gathering event must comply with the requirements of validity and reliability. Traditional methods of checking and qualification will continue but will also have to comply with a set of prescribed design requirements in order for the training system to meet the requirement of contributing in an overt way to the overall safety of the operation.



13  CRM


There is no specific requirement for annual recurrent CRM training in the nonoperational


                                                                               Regulatory guidance for transition to EBT. Version 3.2. 1Q 2021


13.1  Introduction

It has long been a principle that CRM should be included in all training but the manner in which that aspiration might be accomplished has proven elusive.  The shift towards a competence approach to training now offers an opportunity to achieve the goal. this chapter briefly discusses some of the implications and possible methodologies.


13.2  The Problem of Compliance

Existing CRM regulations contain a list of topics that is, in part, historical but has also been updated to incorporate emerging concepts.  That said, it is not a coherent syllabus of instruction linked to operational performance.  Equally, the recurrent training syllabus has not taken into account changes in pilot licensing exams (Human Performance and Limitations) and changes in initial pilot training (multi-crew cooperation training (MCC) and Multi-pilot License (MPL)).  Operators are still left with a compliance requirement under EBT.  However, the new framework does provide some flexibility.

The regulatory guidance, when considering legacy CRM requirements, states:

‘Management system: CRM training should address hazards and risks identified by the operator’s management system described in ORO.GEN.200.’

Elsewhere in these notes reference has been made to using data sources such as LOSA and the operator’s SMS to inform SBT design, for example.  One of the biggest benefits of a true EBT approach to training should be the better mapping of competence development onto the operational demands.


13.3  An Approach to CRM Training

As was discussed in Chapter 4, a competence model typically contains a description of a performance linked to underpinning knowledge.  The competence makers describe the performance.  The next step is to map the CRM training requirements on to the markers.  It is unlikely that a syllabus subject cannot be linked to a marker.

The next issue is one of deciding on content and delivery method.  In Chapter 1 we saw that the entry level of students determines the level of instruction needed.  The content of a ‘refresher’ CRM class should be different to that of an initial course (not covered by EBT) and a mature training system will have seen several training cycles completed.  The primary goal of recurrent CRM should be to provide an adequate explanation of the behaviour that underpins an assessment marker.  Any theoretical knowledge should be limited to that needed to understand the marker.  Once the underpinning knowledge requirements have been met, further training could be limited to explanatory case studies and updates on recent research.

The selection of the delivery method used will be influenced by the effectiveness of delivery, its cost/benefit and any need to track performance for regulatory requirements or record keeping.


13.4  Outstanding Issues

Some legacy CRM requirements will need addressing.  These include:


Combined flight deck/cabin crew training:


(A) effective communication, coordination of tasks and functions of flight crew, cabin crew and technical crew;


(B) mixed multinational and cross-cultural flight crew, cabin crew and technical crew, and their interaction, if applicable.


Safety culture/ company  culture - can be covered in combined training

Cultural differences - can be covered in combined training




Case studies - safety newsletter?


For reasons of efficiency it would make sense to combine the Combined CRM with the requirement to deliver Emergency and Safety equipment training.


13.5  Conclusion

EBT offers a significant opportunity to move CRM into a more operationally-relevant environment but it still requires analysis and planning to be effective.




14  Project Management


14.1  Introduction

In this chapter we discuss the process for moving to a structured approach to training, including an illustrative Implementation Plan (IP). A template document which might form the basis of a submission to an authority is at Annex A to Chapter 2. It is important to remember that implementing ATQP or EBT is as much a change management process as it is an administrative change.  Therefore, it is important to consider the level of communication that might be needed to make sure that the transition is smooth.  The chapter is arranged in an approximate chronological sequence and could form the basis of a project management plan.  The chapter also discusses some items that are additional to the guidance material but are considered important in a mature training system.

The first step in implementing a revised training management system is to appoint a project manager.  Depending on the size of the operation, this might be a full-time job.  The nominated person must understand the ISD concept, be aware of the work associated with implementation, have access to the necessary resources and also have the authority to make decisions and to represent the operator in discussions with the NAA.


14.2  Phase 1 - Planning

Task 1.1 Initial contact with the NAA (EBT Checklist Task 1)

Different NAAs will probably have different methods of applying for approval.  However, it is strongly recommended that the company FOI is involved from the outset.  In addition to the formal application (EBT Checklist Task 2), the guidance material suggests that a draft implementation plan (IP) be provided.  Sections 1 and 2 of Annex A to this chapter should satisfy the requirement for a draft IP


Task 1.2. Develop training cost model {Optional - additional to guidance material}

The cost model is essential for ROI calculations. We establish the cost model at the outset as it will be used in subsequent decision-making about training and checking policy. Methods for constructing costings can be found in various texts on cost accounting methods.


Task 1.3. Develop the Stage 1 Safety Case Structure (EBT Checklist Task 4). .This task involves developing the template Safety Case (SC) by incorporating existing company information into the framework. Whereas the SC is a specific requirement in ATQP, EBT only refers to a safety risk assessment but does not elaborate on the concept.  The SC structure satisfies the requirements of both regulations.

Further guidance can be found in Chapter 3.


Task 1.4. Map the existing training provision on to the ATQP/EBT framework (EBT Checklist Task 3 Gap Analysis)

This step is an audit of current training to assess the existing processes and to identify the changes needed. Change may be a requirement for a new training component or processes or it might be a need to reshape existing provision.  In EBT this is known as the Gap Analysis.

The Gap Analysis, as a minimum, should comprise a list of the components needed to run EBT together with their characteristics or requirements.  The existing training system elements is then mapped on to the list.  For each EBT element, the existing training component is then evaluated as being compliant or in need of modification.  Where a component requires modification, the specific actions required must be listed.  Where an EBT component has no equivalent in the current training system, this must be declared.  The Gap Analysis is used to identify activity needed to satisfy the EBT requirement.


Task 1.5. Develop the Stage 1 Implementation Plan (EBT Checklist Task 3)

The Stage 1 IP will be a deliverable for the NAA and will outline the assessment of the current status, the analysis of requirements (Gap Analysis), the project plan for implementing change including timescales, the change management plan (communication with pilots, control structures) and a statement of identified resources needed (accountable person, project lead, team members, IT, vendor support).  This should also include the proposals for:

   Trainer training and standardisation (OM D action)

   Module development

   Transition management and remediation


Major Management Review 1

This review is a major milestone.  It gives formal standing to the Implementation Plan and the Safety Case Stage 1.  It outlines the planned activities needed, timescales and resources.  The financial implications of transition should be discussed.  Sign off from the accountable person should be obtained prior to proceeding to further development activity. Consideration should be given to crew communication at this stage.  NAA FOI should be involved in this review.


14.3  Phase 2 - Development


Task 2.1. Develop the Task Analysis (TA) (ATQP) or Competence Framework (CF)(EBT).  (EBT Checklist Task 5) (OM D action)

The TA/CF is the bedrock of the system as it describes how your aircraft are flown. It is also, in the case of the TA, the most time-consuming activity. It requires access to all company manuals and also to some line pilots, trainers and management pilots. The TA/CF should be signed off by the project manager.

This task will develop the performance markers.

Further guidance can be found in Chapter 4.


Task 2.2. Develop Qualification Standards/Grade Scale. (EBT Checklist Task 6)(OM D action)

Qualification standards are levels of proficiency expected of line pilots and are synonymous with the grade scale in EBT.  For initial training, subordinate standards may be used to define performance at graduation from training (TPS). Where a lesser standard is defined, the process by which pilots will transition from the graduation to the line qualification standard (OPS) will be identified. This will usually be in the form of structured OJT (LFUS, for example)

This task includes work associate with establishing the validity and reliability of the behavioural markers and grade scale.

Further guidance can be found in Chapter 5.


Task 2.3. Implement instructor and Examiner training and standardisation

Under both ATQP and EBT all assessors will need to be trained and standardised. This includes both CRM, technical skills and competency assessment. This step will involve reviewing existing training, auditing training reports and advising on changes to both.

This task will include activity associated with calibration and standardisation of assessors.  Output from this activity will be included in the SC

This task will require initial work associated with the Instructor Congruence Assurance Programme (ICAP)

Further information can be found in Chapter 7.


Task 2.4. Complete Malfunction and Approach Clustering Activity

The SC will need to include a process for reviewing malfunctions and approaches in the event of future changes.


Task 2.5  Implement Module Design Process

LOE/EVAL involves the use of the simulator as a proficiency assessment tool. This step involves developing the methodology to be used in the identification of critical skill sets and the creation of appropriate scenarios that provide the opportunity to assess those skills.  It will also draw on the clustering exercise to develop Event Sets.

While the MT element is comparatively straightforward, the EVAL and SBT elements need to be coordinated to ensure coverage of training topics.  One suggestion is that a rolling 3 year road map is produced to guide each annual cycle.  The design process must be described in the IP and linked to the SC.


Task 2.6. Conduct trial of LOE(ATQP)/EVAL (EBT)

This step establishes the current performance standard of the fleet and will be used as the benchmark for assessing subsequent changes. Both the LOE and the EVAL phase have a requirement to manage outcomes in the event of unacceptable performance.  Therefore, it is suggested that the LOE/EVAL modules be run as tests of the management system prior to attempting to go live.


Task 2.7. Review and adapt existing training. Curriculum development

Once we have established standardised data gathering against the operational benchmark, we can now review training and checking and identify possible changes. These changes can be assessed against the training cost model. This will include the introduction of the MT module and aligning existing sim training with the SBT concept.

CRM and SEP training should also be reviewed and a modified plan for future training produced.


Task 2.8. Draft 2 of Safety Case and Implementation Plan

This should include the first draft OM D.


Task 2.9. Review flight data availability, LPC, OPC and LC report formats and modify as required

The ATQP and EBT is based on using data to track safety and proficiency. This step requires all available data sources to be assessed in terms of output validity and reliability. This step may require existing soft data report formats (LC for example) to be amended to provide better input to the Safety Case. We will also need to review DFDR output.


Major Review 2

This major review will validate the components that have been developed in order to implement ATQP/EBT.  The steering group will also review the road map for future training (Task 2.5) and the output from the LOE/EVAL (Task 2.6).  The CF and the grade scale should now be communicated to crew (change management plan).

{as part the project management, interim reviews should be conducted at intervals between Major Reviews 1 and 2}

(EBT Checklist Task 7)


14.4  Phase 3 - Programme Launch


Task 3.1.  For ‘Mixed Implementation’, substitute modules as appropriate.


Task 3.2. Map flight data and assessor-provided data onto TA. Identify gaps and develop LOQE plan.

This step involves reviewing the proficiency data available from LOEs, LPCs, OPCs, DFDRs and any other assessment situations and then mapping data onto the task analysis. The aim is to identify critical areas of the task analysis where performance is not being captured. Where gaps are identified then LOQE/LOSA tools need to be developed to provide complete coverage.


Task 3.3. Develop Safety Case Stage 2 and establish Performance Benchmark.

This step involves bringing all the information together within a single entity known as the Safety Case. The Safety Case confirms through data the following 2 propositions: the training system is fit for its purpose and the training system delivers competent pilots to the line. The Performance Benchmark pulls together existing data to establish the current position of the airline. All changes to the training system must be assessed against this benchmark.

At this point we are able to identify objective data-driven markers that capture line pilot proficiency levels. We now need to identify operational performance indicators that can be easily tracked on a daily basis but which can act as early warning of skill degradation or some other form of sub-optimal performance.


Task 3.4. Produce Documentation

Development of management plans for training quality management, curriculum development and evaluation, and remediation.

(EBT Checklist Task 8)


Task 3.5. Model proposed changes to existing training and checking regime.

This task involves using data to model possible changes to training event duration and interval.


Major Review 3

This review will allow the steering group to sign off on the Implementation Plan and submit full documentation to the NAA.  FOI in attendance.

Task 3.6. Produce Final Implementation Plan for submission.

(EBT Checklist Task 9)


At this point training shifts to a ‘Mixed Implementation’ model with data collected in support of the SC.  The process for approving the final EBT structure is agreed with the NAA.


14.5  Deliverables

The following elements are required as part of the ATQP/EBT:

Implementation Plan (IP)

The IP forms the basis of the final submission to the authority. The structure of the document has been established and will be developed in an iterative fashion as the project develops.



Safety Case (SC) 

The SC is a component of the IP but will be retained after IP submission as part of the training management process. The SC structure has been established and will be developed in an iterative manner.


Task Analysis (including CRM markers) (TA)

The TA will comprise a database of behavioural statements defining the company flight process. Each statement will be linked to appropriate references in company manuals and will be supported by skill and knowledge objectives as required. The database forms part of the deliverable.


Training Needs Analysis and audit of existing provision (TNA)

Although not specified in the Reference, the TNA is standard industry practice and allows the existing training provision to be checked for thoroughness against the TA and then identifies alternative training solutions.


Line Operational Evaluation (LOE) event set development process and Model LOE

The LOE is a form of crew performance measure and comprises a simulated scenario based on tasks drawn from the TA. An LOE is allows the performance of all crew to be verified against the TA in a standardised manner. This deliverable will comprise a methodology for LOE event set identification, a method for developing scenarios, a method for establishing event set equivalence and an example event set.


Line Operational Quality Evaluation (LOQE) development process and Model LOQE

The LOQE is a non-jeopardy audit process that allows data to be collected in order to verify crew performance against the TA. The LOQE allows data to be captured in areas not covered by other processes such as OFDM. LOE, OPC or LC. This deliverable will comprise a methodology for LOQE design. The methodology will be validated through the conduct of a small-scale LOQE as part of ATQP development.


Instructor and Examiner training curricula and Staff Standardisation

This deliverable comprises an audit of existing instructor and assessor training, a review of trainer and assessor standardisation, the conduct of any new training required under the Reference and development of revised training curricula.


Revised performance capture/assessment formats (LOE, OPC. LPC forms and EBT equivalents)

This deliverable includes a review of existing reporting formats (including a consideration of the implications of the shift to electronic forms), mapping data capture onto the requirements of the SC and recommending changes as appropriate.


Course curricula

For all course affected by the shift to ATQP/EBT a revised curriculum will be produced.


Training audit process

This deliverable comprises a methodology, based on the SC, that will underpin the future validity of the ATQP/EBT


Method of Integration with flight data monitoring and analysis

This deliverable will review current data collection methods, identify valid performance indicators contained in the data, specify the manner in which data is to be reported to training management and develop the methodology that will allow data to be used to validate the SC.




14.6  Annex A

A Draft Implementation Plan


This document fulfils the requirement described in Ref. ?. It describes the process by which {client} will design, develop and implement a pilot recurrent training programme in accordance with Ref A. The document is divides into 5 sections and is supported by the Safety Case. The sections are:

Section 1.

Planning. This section describes the process by which the ATQP/EBT was planned, how decisions alerting to modifications to existing training were made and the steps put in place to ensure a smooth transition from the previous training regime to the ATQP./EBT

Section 2.

Criteria. This section describe the construction and validation of performance measures used to ensure that the implementation of ATQP/EBT delivers a robust and safe training system.

Section 3.

Programme of Implementation. This section describes the process of design, development and execution of ATQP/EBT.

Section 4.

Oversight, This section describes the processes and structure put in place to provide oversight of the ATQP/EBT design, development and implementation.

Section 5.

Documentation. This section contains supporting documentation associated with the implementation of ATQP/EBT.


Section 1. Planning

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Project design

1.3 Data collection

1.4 Design modification

1.5 Execution

1.6 Review


Section 2. Criteria

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Safety Criteria

2.3 Competence Model

2.4 Qualification Standards / Assessment Framework (Grade Scale)

2.5 Training System Efficacy


Section 3. Programme of Implementation



Design Phase


Assessment Methods

LOE/EVAL Development

LOQA/LOSA Development

Implementation Phase (SBT)

Data collection



Section 4. Oversight



Design phase

Steering group reviews

Implementation Phase

Post Holder

Steering group


Section 5. Documentation




Implementation Plan

Safety Case


Audit Methods


Section 6. Safety Case (see separate document)





15  The Safety Case - Managing Hazards and Risk in the Training System

(Note: this chapter is framed around the ATQP requirement.  EBT makes reference to safety risk assessments but offer no clarification. The concept of a Safety Case is equally applicable to EBT)


15.1  Introduction


In this chapter we look at the nature and construction of the Safety Case (SC). A template

SC is at Annex A to Chapter 3.


In a range of different industrial and commercial settings, safety-critical and safety-related systems are becoming increasingly integrated and increasingly complex. At the same time, the consequences of failure can be enormous in terms of loss, damage and harm. In order to maintain satisfactory oversight the compliance regimes being developed to control the development, operation and decommissioning of such systems is also becoming equally as complex. Of course, an airline’s training department is not a piece of technology or a complex installation. However, it can be seen as a production system. It represents a configuration of assets designed to supply and sustain a competent workforce that is compliant with regulator requirements. The assets comprise people and technological devices. The configuration can include wholly owned and sub-contracted components.


Furthermore, the configuration can comprise assets at a fixed location as well as those delivered via distributed media. The tool generally used to establish a valid and reliable justification for activity associated with a complex project is the Safety Case (SC). Reference B states that the SC is:


A documented body of evidence that provides a demonstrable and valid justification that the programme (ATQP) is adequately safe for the given type of operation. The SC should encompass each phase of implementation of the programme and be applicable over the lifetime of the programme that is to be overseen.


Specifically, the ATQP guidance states that the SC must:


Demonstrate the required level of safety

Minimise risks during implementation and operation

Substantiate the validity of the training and qualification standards resulting from the

shift to ATQP

Substantiate the validity of any future new training


Despite its widespread use, there remains no definitive statement of what constitutes a

safety case. However, the following is offered as a working definition:


The purpose of a safety case is to present a clear, comprehensive and defensible argument supported by calculation and procedure that a system or installation will be acceptably safe throughout its lifecycle.


The SC, then, is a management document that provides a justification for the airlines’ system for delivering trained personnel into service, sustaining existing skills and identifying any changes in the skills-set required of line personnel. Furthermore, the SC acts as the vehicle through which major changes to the training system are project-managed and evaluated. The SC provides the framework for a set of arguments that are proven by linking the goal of the training system to the relevant data. Where an airline is considering introducing ATQP, the SC will incorporate those elements required by the regulator for approval of the ATQP and will form part of the Implementation Plan. However, the SC also provides a mechanism for validating the safety of training for non-ATQP airlines. The SC should be seen as a management document that supports, not replaces, the Part D.


15.2  The Structure of the SC


The SC provides the framework for identifying and collating data in order to manage any risks associated with the conduct of training. The closed-loop nature of the ISD model, in fact, incorporates many of the features of a SC and it could be argued that the SC focuses attention on Transfer of Training and Organisational Benefit (See Chapter 6) through the use of safety-related performance indicators supported by hard data.


Broadly speaking, a SC comprises 3 main components. First, it contains a set of goals or claims that must be achieved or confirmed if the training system is to be considered safe. Second, it contains classes of data or assumptions that are used to support the top-level goals or claims. Finally, it includes a set of rules for linking the data to the goals. In order to fulfil its purpose, the ATQP SC will need to address 4 questions:


What top-level goals need to be constructed?

What constitutes reliable data?

What constitutes a legitimate argument linking data and goals?

How will the SC change over the lifecycle of the project?


15.3  Constructing the Top-level Goals


The implementation, and continued conduct, of training under ATQP is predicated on an airline providing reliable evidence that its training system will meet, and continue to meet, a set of safety-related criteria. The aspirations of the training system are captured in a set of statements that can be referred to as goals, claims or high-level arguments depending upon the particular structured of SC the operator chooses to adopt. Just as there is no single accepted definition of a SC, so nor is there an agreed terminology for the components of a SC. It seems to us that, in the context of a training system, the SC establishes a set of claims about the performance of the training system. In order to verify the truth of the claims, the system must meet a set of performance goals. In this section we will look at claims and goals in more detail.


The starting point for any discussion of claims must be the 4 criteria listed in the Introduction

above which are contained in Reference A. However, an airline’s training system has to meet the needs of several stakeholders in addition to the regulatory authority. First, it must deliver a competent workforce for line operations. Second, it must deliver training in a cost-effective manner. It must reflect changes in technology and the operational environment.


Finally, because ATQP provides a vehicle for manipulating the training system, the SC must be able to support the rationale underpinning any such changes. The top-level claims developed for the SC must be sufficiently broad reaching to accommodate these diverse demands. A process for identifying Claims and Goals might include the following stages:


1. Identify stakeholders’ safety requirements. These will include the requirements of

the client (i.e. the Flight Ops Dept), the regulator, any associated codes of

practice, standards and identified risks.

2. Identify stakeholders’ competence requirements.

3. Break down the Claims into Goals and Sub-goals that must be met in order for the

Claim to be considered true.

4. State any assumptions made relating to requirements, environmental conditions,

operational constraints etc.

5. Make explicit which parts of the system relate to which goals.

6. Verify that the initial requirements will be met


We can develop a set of claims that must be met in order for ATQP/EBT to

succeed, some of which might be:


The safety of activities conducted during training is equal to, or greater than, that achieved under the former system.

The risk of training activity failure during implementation is as low as reasonably possible.

The risk of training failure during continued operations is as low as reasonably


The level of proficiency achieved at the end of training is appropriate for operational


The qualification standards applied to trainees are valid and reliable.

Changes made to the training regime are reliable.



Whilst clearly related to the successful implementation of ATQP, these claims are still fairly broad in their scope. However, they provide the starting point for the identification of the goals that must be achieved if the claim is to be considered true. Goals and sub-goals render claims demonstrable and verifiable. They act as the focal points around which evidence aggregates. We will look at the construction of goals by taking a specific claim:


Claim x


The level of proficiency achieved at the end of training is appropriate for operational needs.


In order to establish the truth of this statement we need to establish the level of proficiency required of line pilots and the level attained at the end of training. We can frame these 2 requirements thus:


Goal x1


The Operational Performance Standard (OPS) of qualified crew must be compliant with published standards and requirements.


Goal x2


The output standard from training meets the OPS


These can be further elaborated:


Goal x1

The Operational Performance Standard (OPS) of qualified crew must be compliant with published standards and requirements.


Goal x1a. The OPS is defined by operational requirements

Goal x1b. The OPS is compliant with regulatory standards

Goal x2


The output standard from training meets the OPS


Goal x2a. Graduation standards comply with the OPS

Goal x2b. The testing regime is valid and reliable


Remembering that these claims, goals and sub-goals are for illustration only, they nonetheless allow us to begin the process of identifying the best evidence needed to validate the SC.



15.4  Collecting the Best Evidence


The component parts of ATQP will, in the first instance, generate the evidence needed to support the SC. In the following table we demonstrate how these components can be linked to the SC.


                     OPS/FCL       TA        LOQE   LOE      OPC     LC

Goal x1a          x           x        

Goal x1b          x

Goal x2a                                      x

Goal x2b                                                 x           x        x        


Examples of evidence will include:


Examination scores

Instructor grades

Flight data parameters

Course evaluation data

Quality audit reports

Safety Management System reports


However, if the SC is to be robust, then Claims should be established through the use of the best available data. This, in turn, means that data sources should be open to verification. It also means that alternative sources of data should be identified and used wherever possible. If we apply an engineering paradigm, then there are 5 areas of interest in terms of seeking the evidence we need to demonstrate that our goals have been achieved and, therefore, that the SC Claims are true. These are:


System Modelling. what is the reliability of each component in the system?

Hazard Identification. what are the hazards that have to be dealt with by the


Causal Analysis. what could cause the system to fail?

Consequence Analysis. what would be the consequences of failure?

Risk Assessment. what is the probability and severity of failure?


As we said earlier, ATQP is a process of managing training and the training department is an instance of system configured to meet a purpose. The engineering paradigm does not map perfectly onto our needs in developing an SC but the concepts are useful in establishing where to look for data.


15.5  Inference Rules

Having operationalised our top-level claims as a set off goals and identified the sources of best evidence, it way well be the case that goals and data need to be linked by an inferential process. This may require the use of statistical methods.


15.6  Phased SC Implementation


The final problem we need to address in relation to the SC is how will it change over the lifecycle of the project. There are 3 phases of implementation:


Phase 1. Applying ATQP to training management

Phase 2. Reconfiguring training

Phase 3. Change Management


Phase 1 involves the application of ATQP elements to the existing training system. In effect, this involves shifting from a compliance regime to a data-driven regime. The effectiveness of the training system is not measured in terms of its compliance with regulatory requirements but, rather, in terms of its ability to meet performance indicators linked to measured data.


Phase 2 involves the manipulation of training. Based on acquired data, the training regime can be altered in terms of its content, mode of delivery, length of trainee exposure to training, mode of assessment and interval between assessments. Phases 1 and 2, together, represent the full implementation of ATQP.


Phase 3 represents the on-going need to track change in operations and the operating environment. ATQP is not a static step-change in the mode of training delivery. It is a dynamic, closed-loop mechanism for ensuring that the output from training meets operational needs. Therefore, the system must be sensitive to change.



15.7  Conclusion


The SC is a component part of the Implementation Plan. However, given its role in risk management, it is likely that the SC will remain central to training management. Fundamental to the successful construction of the SC is the identification of valid claims which can be verified through reliable data.



15.8  Annex A


Outline Structure of a Safety Case


1. Introduction


1.1 The Aims of the Safety Case are to:

            Demonstrate that the company’s training scheme is fit for its purpose.

            Demonstrate that the training scheme ensures that the company is safe for

            continued operations.

            To provide a vehicle for the management of changes to the training scheme.

1.2 TOR’s of responsible persons (All staff with a direct accountability for training)

1.2.1 ATQP/EBT Postholder

Name, position and TORs

1.2.2 Other Accountabilities

Any other staff with indirect responsibility Regulatory point of contact

1.3 Historical Performance

How we measure outputs from training

1.3.1 Evaluation Systems

How we measure performance of components of training system

1.4 Annual Data

1.4.1 Training Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) {to be developed}

1.4.2 Proposed Indicators

1.4.3 KPI construction

1.4.3 KPI Validation


2. Training Hazard Management

{In this section all potential hazards and effects are identified, assessed and controls are



2.1 Failure to identify training requirement

2.2 Failure to identify impact of change

2.2.1 Change in Operational Environment

2.2.2 Change in Procedure or Technology

2.2.3 Change in Training Provision

2.2.4 Change in Personnel

2.3 Failure to identify student deficiencies

2.4 Failure to identify instructor deficiencies

2.5 Failure to select appropriate training method

2.6 Failure to evaluate training

2.7 Generic Risk Mitigation Strategy


3. Training System Policies and Objectives

{Statement of safety requirements and standards that are applicable and how are they complied with}


3.1 Regulatory Framework

3.2 Company Policies

3.3 Training System Goals


3.5 Third-party Training Providers

Parts 1-3 will form the initial submission to the regulator.


4. The Training Delivery System

{Organisation, accountabilities and resources}


4.1 Training Design Cycle

4.2 Task Analysis

4.2.1 Analysis process

4.2.2 CRM skills analysis

4.2.3 Task List {ATQP requirement}

4.2.4 Competence Framework {EBT requirement}

4.3 Standards

4.3.1 Existing Standards

{Description of current performance standards}

4.3.2 ATQP/EBT Standards

{Proposed standards under ATQP/EBT

Maintenance of existing standards during transition}

4.4 ATQP/EBT LOE/SBT design

Third party training

4.5.1 Quality control of training content

4.5.2 Quality control of sub-contracted instructors/facilitators

4.6 Existing Training

{Training programme structure}

4.7 Training and Checking Staff

4.7.2 Appointment of Staff

4.7.3 Training of Staff

4.7.4 Standardisation of Staff

4.7.5 Remedial action and Disposal

4.8 ATQP/EBT Implementation

{Audit trail}

4.9 Remedial Training

4.9.1 Technical Skills

4.9.2 Non-technical Skills


5. Management of Training

{Description of the management process used by the airline to control training}


5.1 Monitoring training system performance

5.1.1 Training Management Reviews Periodic Ad-hoc

5.2 Identifying impact of change

5.2.1 Regulatory

5.2.2 Technological

5.2.3 Procedural

5.2.4 Operational

5.3 Dealing with sub-standard performance

5.4 Implementing recovery plans

5.5 ATQP /EBT Implementation Plan


6 Auditing the Training System

{Methods for continuous safety improvement}


6.1 Dependent Auditing

6.1.1 Assessment Grade Sheets Technical skills Non-technical skills Grade Sheet Auditing

6.1.2 LOE design Technical Skills Non-technical Skills Grade Sheet Auditing

6.2 Independent Auditing

6.2.1 LOQA

6.2.2 LOSA

6.2.3 SMS FOQA output from the SMS

6.3 Airline Internal Audit Manager

6.4 External Audit

6.5 Instructor Standards

6.6 Validating ATQP/EBT


7 Statement of Fitness


7.1 Form of Verification

7.2 Compliance Matrix


8 References


9 Transitional Arrangements

[1] This section is taken from ‘Crew Resource Management Training: A Competence-based Approach for Airline Pilots’.  MacLeod, N. 2021. CRC Press

[2] In reality, the marker categories and the grade scale intervals should be tested during the design and prototyping stage.  Excessive unreliability should be minimised as much as possible by reworking of the markers and the scale.

[3] Based on FAA AQP guidance